Rearranged some code. Implemented a python buffer class to abstract the differences between buffers on the server and on the editor. Switched to a single event listener that we move around.

Former-commit-id: 836dfe91f89bf25fa408cc3be8ecc4e0679e10d1
This commit is contained in:
Camillo Schenone 2023-09-05 16:07:22 +02:00
parent 4005d9bd86
commit 9a964a099b
2 changed files with 248 additions and 138 deletions

View file

@ -23,23 +23,25 @@
"caption": "Codemp: Connect",
// # on_window_command, does not trigger when called from the command palette
// # See:
"command": "proxy_codemp_connect",
"command": "codemp_connect",
"args": {
// "server_host": "http://[::1]:50051"
// 'session' : 'default' (the name of the workspace to join)
"caption": "Codemp: Share",
"command": "proxy_codemp_share",
"command": "codemp_share",
"arg": {
// 'sublime_buffer' : /path/to/buffer/to/share
// 'server_id' : 'how to call the buffer on the server'
"caption": "Codemp: Join",
"command": "proxy_codemp_join",
"command": "codemp_join",
"arg": {
// 'server_buffer' : 'test'

View file

@ -5,15 +5,15 @@ import sublime_plugin
from Codemp.src.codemp_client import *
import Codemp.ext.sublime_asyncio as sublime_asyncio
import asyncio
import os
import time
# UGLYYYY, find a way to not have global variables laying around.
_tasks = []
_buffers = []
_client = None
_cursor_controller = None
_buffer_controller = None
_txt_change_listener = None
_skip_resend = False
_regions_colors = [
@ -26,6 +26,39 @@ _regions_colors = [
# WIP ##
class CodempSublimeBuffer():
def __init__(self, sublime_buffer, server_id):
self.buffer = sublime_buffer
self.server_id = server_id
self.skip_resend = False
async def attach(self, client, cb):
self.controller = await client.attach(self.server_id)
status_log("registring callback for buffer: {}".format(self.buffer.primary_view().file_name()))
for v in self.buffer.views():
v.settings()["codemp_buffer"] = True
async def detach(self, client):
await client.disconnect_buffer(self.server_id)
for v in self.buffer.views():
del v.settings()["codemp_buffer"]
def get_matching_codemp_buffer_from_buffer_id(buffer_id):
global _buffers
for b in _buffers:
if == buffer_id:
return b
def get_matching_codemp_buffer_from_server_id(server_id):
global _buffers
for b in _buffers:
if b.server_id == server_id:
return b
# WIP ##
def status_log(msg):
sublime.status_message("[codemp] {}".format(msg))
print("[codemp] {}".format(msg))
@ -42,7 +75,14 @@ def get_contents(view):
r = sublime.Region(0, view.size())
return view.substr(r)
def get_matching_view(path):
def populate_view(view, content):
view.run_command("codemp_replace_text", {
"start": 0,
"end": view.size(),
"content": content
def get_matching_view_from_local_path(path):
for window in
for view in window.views():
if view.file_name() == path:
@ -53,29 +93,25 @@ def rowcol_to_region(view, start, end):
b = view.text_point(end[0], end[1])
return sublime.Region(a, b)
def plugin_loaded():
global _client
global _txt_change_listener
_client = CodempClient() # create an empty instance of the codemp client.
_txt_change_listener = CodempClientTextChangeListener() # instantiate the listener to attach around.
sublime_asyncio.acquire() # instantiate and start a global asyncio event loop.
def plugin_unloaded():
global _client
global _cursor_controller
global _buffer_controller
global _buffers
global _txt_change_listener
for window in
for view in window.views():
if view.settings().get("codemp_buffer", False):
del view.settings()["codemp_buffer"]
for buff in _buffers:
if _cursor_controller:
if _buffer_controller:
if _txt_change_listener:
if _txt_change_listener.is_attached():
@ -85,11 +121,6 @@ def plugin_unloaded():
async def connect_command(server_host, session="default"):
global _client
status_log("Connecting to {}".format(server_host))
await _client.connect(server_host)
await join_workspace(session)
async def join_workspace(session):
global _client
@ -97,43 +128,69 @@ async def join_workspace(session):
status_log("Joining workspace: {}".format(session))
_cursor_controller = await _client.join(session)
async def share_buffer_command(buffer):
async def connect_command(server_host, session):
global _client
global _cursor_controller
global _buffer_controller
global _txt_change_listener
status_log("Connecting to {}".format(server_host))
await _client.connect(server_host)
await join_workspace(session)
status_log("Sharing buffer {}".format(buffer))
async def join_buffer_command(view, buffer_path):
global _client
global _buffers
view = get_matching_view(buffer)
buffer = CodempSublimeBuffer(view.buffer(), buffer_path)
await buffer.attach(_client, apply_buffer_change_cb)
content = buffer.controller.get_content()
populate_view(view, content)
except Exception as e:
sublime.error_message("Could not join buffer: {}".format(e))
view.set_status("z_codemp_buffer", "[Codemp]")
async def share_buffer_command(buffer_path, server_id = "test"):
global _client
global _buffers
status_log("Sharing buffer {}".format(buffer_path))
view = get_matching_view_from_local_path(buffer_path)
contents = get_contents(view)
await _client.create(buffer, contents)
await _client.create(server_id, contents)
_buffer_controller = await _client.attach(buffer)
# apply_buffer_change returns a "lambda" that internalises the buffer it is being called on.
buffer = CodempSublimeBuffer(view.buffer(), server_id)
await buffer.attach(_client, apply_buffer_change_cb)
# we create a new event listener and attach it to the shared buffer.
_txt_change_listener = CodempClientTextChangeListener()
except Exception as e:
sublime.error_message("Could not share buffer: {}".format(e))
# we need to focus the view to trigger the on_activate for the text
# change event listener attach
view.set_status("z_codemp_buffer", "[Codemp]")
view.settings()["codemp_buffer"] = True
def move_cursor(cursor_event):
def move_cursor_cb(cursor_event):
global _regions_colors
# print("received cursor event", cursor_event.start, cursor_event.end, cursor_event.buffer)
# TODO: make the matching user/color more solid. now all users have one color cursor.
# Maybe make all cursors the same color and only use annotations as a discriminant.
view = get_matching_view(cursor_event.buffer)
if view.settings().get("codemp_buffer", False):
# idea: use a user id hash map that maps to a color.
buffer = get_matching_codemp_buffer_from_server_id(cursor_event.buffer)
if buffer:
view = buffer.buffer.primary_view()
reg = rowcol_to_region(view, cursor_event.start, cursor_event.end)
reg_flags = sublime.RegionFlags.DRAW_EMPTY | sublime.RegionFlags.DRAW_NO_FILL
@ -148,27 +205,48 @@ def move_cursor(cursor_event):
def send_cursor(view):
global _cursor_controller
path = view.file_name()
server_id = get_matching_codemp_buffer_from_buffer_id(view.buffer_id()).server_id
region = view.sel()[0] # TODO: only the last placed cursor/selection.
start = view.rowcol(region.begin()) #only counts UTF8 chars
end = view.rowcol(region.end())
_cursor_controller.send(path, start, end)
_cursor_controller.send(server_id, start, end)
def apply_buffer_change_cb(buffer):
def buffer_callback(text_change):
global _txt_change_listener
# In case a change arrives to a background buffer, just apply it. We are not listening on it.
# Otherwise, interrupt the listening to avoid echoing back the change just received.
is_active_view = buffer.view().window().active_view() == buffer.view()
if is_active_view:
# we need to go through a sublime text command, since the method, view.replace
# needs an edit token, that is obtained only when calling a textcommand associated with a view.
view.run_command("codemp_replace_text", {
"start": text_change.start_incl,
"end": text_change.end_excl,
"content": text_change.content
if is_active_view:
return buffer_callback
def send_buffer_change(buffer, changes):
global _buffer_controller
codemp_buffer = get_matching_codemp_buffer_from_buffer_id(
view = buffer.primary_view()
start, txt, end = compress_changes(view, changes)
# we can't use view.size() since now view has the already modified buffer,
# but we need to clip wrt the unmodified buffer.
contlen = len(_buffer_controller.get_content()), start), txt, min(end, contlen))
contlen = len(codemp_buffer.controller.get_content()), start), txt, min(end, contlen))
print("server buffer: -------")
# time.sleep(0.1)
# print("server buffer: -------")
# print(codemp_buffer.controller.get_content())
def compress_changes(view, changes):
# Sublime text on_text_changed events, gives a list of changes.
@ -248,72 +326,39 @@ def walk_compress_changes(view, changes):
# print("[walking reg]", "[", reg_a, reg_b, "]")
return reg_a, txt, reg_b
def apply_buffer_change(buffer):
status_log("registring callback for buffer: {}".format(buffer.primary_view().file_name()))
def buffer_callback(text_change):
global _skip_resend
# we need to go through a sublime text command, since the method, view.replace
# needs an edit token, that is obtained only when calling a textcommand associated with a view.
_skip_resend = True
view = buffer.primary_view()
{"start": text_change.start_incl,
"end": text_change.end_excl,
"content": text_change.content})
return buffer_callback
# Sublime interface
## WIP ##
# class CodempSublimeBuffer():
# def __init__(self, sublime_buffer):
# self.buffer = sublime_buffer
# self.controller =
# self.listener = CodempClientTextChangeListener()
# self.skip_resend = False
# self.codemp_callback = apply_buffer_change(sublime_buffer)
# def attach_sublime(self):
# self.listener.attach(self.buffer)
# def detach_sublime(self):
# self.listener.detach()
## WIP ##
class CodempClientViewEventListener(sublime_plugin.ViewEventListener):
def is_applicable(cls, settings):
return ("codemp_buffer" in settings)
# print("checking view applicability: ", settings.get("codemp_buffer", False))
return settings.get("codemp_buffer", False)
# return True
def applies_to_primary_view_only(cls):
return False
def on_selection_modified_async(self):
global _cursor_controller
if _cursor_controller:
# pass
# def on_text_command(self, command, args):
# global _txt_change_listener
# print(command, args)
# if command == "codemp_replace_text":
# print("detaching listener to :", self.view.file_name())
# _txt_change_listener.detach()
# We only edit on one view at a time, therefore we only need one TextChangeListener
# Each time we focus a view to write on it, we first attach the listener to that buffer.
# When we defocus, we detach it.
def on_activated(self):
global _txt_change_listener
print("view {} activated".format(
# return None
def on_deactivated(self):
global _txt_change_listener
print("view {} deactivated".format(
# def on_post_text_command(self, command, args):
# global _txt_change_listener
# print(command, args)
# if command == "codemp_replace_text":
# print("reattaching listener to: ", self.view.file_name())
# _text_change_listener.attach(self.view.buffer())
# return None
# def on_text_command(self, cmd, args):
# print(cmd, args)
class CodempClientTextChangeListener(sublime_plugin.TextChangeListener):
@ -324,35 +369,15 @@ class CodempClientTextChangeListener(sublime_plugin.TextChangeListener):
return False
def on_text_changed_async(self, changes):
global _buffer_controller
global _skip_resend
if _skip_resend:
_skip_resend = False
send_buffer_change(self.buffer, changes)
if _buffer_controller:
send_buffer_change(self.buffer, changes)
class CodempReplaceTextCommand(sublime_plugin.TextCommand):
def run(self, edit, start, end, content):
# start included, end excluded
self.view.replace(edit, sublime.Region(start, end), content)
# Connect Command
# See the proxy command class at the bottom
class CodempConnectCommand(sublime_plugin.WindowCommand):
def run(self, server_host):
# see proxy command at the bottom
class CodempShareCommand(sublime_plugin.WindowCommand):
def run(self, buffer):
class ProxyCodempConnectCommand(sublime_plugin.WindowCommand):
# on_window_command, does not trigger when called from the command palette
# See:
def run(self, **kwargs):
self.window.run_command("codemp_connect", kwargs)
def run(self, server_host, session):
sublime_asyncio.dispatch(connect_command(server_host, session))
def input(self, args):
if 'server_host' not in args:
@ -361,20 +386,35 @@ class ProxyCodempConnectCommand(sublime_plugin.WindowCommand):
def input_description(self):
return 'Server host:'
class ProxyCodempShareCommand(sublime_plugin.WindowCommand):
# on_window_command, does not trigger when called from the command palette
# See:
def run(self, **kwargs):
self.window.run_command("codemp_share", kwargs)
class ServerHostInputHandler(sublime_plugin.TextInputHandler):
def initial_text(self):
return ""
def next_input(self, args):
if 'workspace' not in args:
return CodempWorkspaceInputHandler()
class CodempWorkspaceInputHandler(sublime_plugin.TextInputHandler):
def name(self):
return 'session'
def initial_text(self):
return "default"
# Share Command
# see proxy command at the bottom
class CodempShareCommand(sublime_plugin.WindowCommand):
def run(self, sublime_buffer_path, server_id):
sublime_asyncio.dispatch(share_buffer_command(sublime_buffer_path, server_id))
def input(self, args):
if 'buffer' not in args:
return BufferInputHandler()
if 'sublime_buffer' not in args:
return SublimeBufferPathInputHandler()
def input_description(self):
return 'Share Buffer:'
class BufferInputHandler(sublime_plugin.ListInputHandler):
class SublimeBufferPathInputHandler(sublime_plugin.ListInputHandler):
def list_items(self):
ret_list = []
@ -385,6 +425,74 @@ class BufferInputHandler(sublime_plugin.ListInputHandler):
return ret_list
class ServerHostInputHandler(sublime_plugin.TextInputHandler):
def next_input(self, args):
if 'server_id' not in args:
return ServerIdInputHandler()
class ServerIdInputHandler(sublime_plugin.TextInputHandler):
def initial_text(self):
return ""
return "Buffer name on server"
# Join Command
class CodempJoinCommand(sublime_plugin.WindowCommand):
def run(self, server_buffer):
view = self.window.new_file(flags=sublime.NewFileFlags.TRANSIENT)
sublime_asyncio.dispatch(join_buffer_command(view, server_buffer))
def input(self, args):
if 'server_buffer' not in args:
return ServerBufferInputHandler()
def input_description(self):
return 'Join Buffer:'
class ServerBufferInputHandler(sublime_plugin.TextInputHandler):
def initial_text(self):
return "What buffer should I join?"
# Replace Text Command
# we call this command manually to have access to the edit token.
class CodempReplaceTextCommand(sublime_plugin.TextCommand):
def run(self, edit, start, end, content):
# start included, end excluded
self.view.replace(edit, sublime.Region(start, end), content)
# Proxy Commands ( NOT USED )
# class ProxyCodempShareCommand(sublime_plugin.WindowCommand):
# # on_window_command, does not trigger when called from the command palette
# # See:
# def run(self, **kwargs):
# self.window.run_command("codemp_share", kwargs)
# def input(self, args):
# if 'sublime_buffer' not in args:
# return SublimeBufferPathInputHandler()
# def input_description(self):
# return 'Share Buffer:'
# class ProxyCodempJoinCommand(sublime_plugin.WindowCommand):
# def run(self, **kwargs):
# self.window.run_command("codemp_join", kwargs)
# def input(self, args):
# if 'server_buffer' not in args:
# return ServerBufferInputHandler()
# def input_description(self):
# return 'Join Buffer:'
# class ProxyCodempConnectCommand(sublime_plugin.WindowCommand):
# # on_window_command, does not trigger when called from the command palette
# # See:
# def run(self, **kwargs):
# self.window.run_command("codemp_connect", kwargs)
# def input(self, args):
# if 'server_host' not in args:
# return ServerHostInputHandler()
# def input_description(self):
# return 'Server host:'