Major code refactor, to support v0.6 codemp. Should work, minor details to go through, like internal buffer mappings.

Former-commit-id: 3602917d52fd33e9eb77fb5a9fe9a87010e94a03
This commit is contained in:
Camillo Schenone 2024-02-21 23:59:49 +01:00
parent 6831c07a64
commit abb027217c
3 changed files with 845 additions and 577 deletions

View file

@ -38,12 +38,19 @@
"caption": "Codemp: Join",
"caption": "Codemp: Join Workspace",
"command": "codemp_join",
"arg": {
// 'server_buffer' : 'test'
"caption": "Codemp: Join buffer",
"command": "codemp_attach",
"arg": {
// 'server_buffer' : 'test'
"caption": "Codemp: Disconnect Buffer",
"command": "codemp_disconnect_buffer",

View file

@ -2,621 +2,451 @@ import sublime
import sublime_plugin
# import Codemp.codemp_client as codemp
from Codemp.src.codemp_client import *
# we import the PyTextChange type to be able to access its @classmethods: from_diff and index_to_rowcol
# PyTextChange instances are not meant to be created from python, but only received immutable from codemp.
from Codemp.bindings.codemp_client import PyTextChange
import Codemp.ext.sublime_asyncio as sublime_asyncio
import asyncio
import os
import time
from Codemp.src.codemp_client import (
# UGLYYYY, find a way to not have global variables laying around.
_tasks = []
_buffers = []
_client = None
_cursor_controller = None
_txt_change_listener = None
_exit_handler_id = None
_palette = [
_regions_colors = [
## Initialisation and Deinitialisation
# Initialisation and Deinitialisation
async def disconnect_client():
global _client
global _cursor_controller
global _buffers
global _txt_change_listener
global _tasks
# buffers clean up after themselves after detaching
for buff in _buffers:
await buff.detach(_client)
for task in _tasks:
if _cursor_controller:
await _client.leave_workspace()
if _txt_change_listener:
def plugin_loaded():
global _client
global _txt_change_listener
global _exit_handler_id
_client = CodempClient() # create an empty instance of the codemp client.
_txt_change_listener = CodempClientTextChangeListener() # instantiate the listener to attach around.
global _client
global _txt_change_listener
# instantiate and start a global asyncio event loop.
# pass in the exit_handler coroutine that will be called upon relasing the event loop.
_client = VirtualClient(disconnect_client)
_txt_change_listener = CodempClientTextChangeListener()
status_log("plugin loaded")
async def disconnect_client():
global _client
global _txt_change_listener
for vws in _client.workspaces:
# fime: allow riconnections
_client = None
# instantiate and start a global asyncio event loop.
# pass in the exit_handler coroutine that will be called upon relasing the event loop.
_exit_handler_id = sublime_asyncio.acquire(disconnect_client)
status_log("plugin loaded")
def plugin_unloaded():
sublime_asyncio.release(False, _exit_handler_id)
# disconnect the client.
global _client
# releasing the runtime, runs the disconnect callback defined when acquiring the event loop.
status_log("plugin unloaded")
## Utils ##
# Utils
def status_log(msg):
sublime.status_message("[codemp] {}".format(msg))
print("[codemp] {}".format(msg))
def store_task(name = None):
def store_named_task(task):
global _tasks
return store_named_task
def get_contents(view):
r = sublime.Region(0, view.size())
return view.substr(r)
r = sublime.Region(0, view.size())
return view.substr(r)
def populate_view(view, content):
view.run_command("codemp_replace_text", {
"start": 0,
"end": view.size(),
"content": content,
"change_id": view.change_id(),
"start": 0,
"end": view.size(),
"content": content,
"change_id": view.change_id(),
def get_view_from_local_path(path):
for window in
for view in window.views():
if view.file_name() == path:
return view
def rowcol_to_region(view, start, end):
a = view.text_point(start[0], start[1])
b = view.text_point(end[0], end[1])
return sublime.Region(a, b)
def get_buffer_from_buffer_id(buffer_id):
global _buffers
for b in _buffers:
if b.view.buffer_id() == buffer_id:
return b
def get_buffer_from_remote_name(remote_name):
global _buffers
for b in _buffers:
if b.remote_name == remote_name:
return b
def is_active(view):
if view.window().active_view() == view:
return True
return False
def safe_listener_detach(txt_listener):
if txt_listener.is_attached():
## Main logic (build coroutines to be dispatched through sublime_asyncio)
# Connection command
async def connect_command(server_host, session):
global _client
status_log("Connecting to {}".format(server_host))
await _client.connect(server_host)
await join_workspace(session)
except Exception as e:
sublime.error_message("Could not connect:\n Make sure the server is up.")
# Workspace and cursor (attaching, sending and receiving)
async def join_workspace(session):
global _client
global _cursor_controller
status_log("Joining workspace: {}".format(session))
_cursor_controller = await _client.join(session)
async def move_cursor(cursor_controller):
global _regions_colors
global _palette
status_log("spinning up cursor worker...")
# TODO: make the matching user/color more solid. now all users have one color cursor.
# Maybe make all cursors the same color and only use annotations as a discriminant.
# idea: use a user id hash map that maps to a color.
while cursor_event := await cursor_controller.recv():
buffer = get_buffer_from_remote_name(cursor_event.buffer)
if not buffer:
status_log("Received a cursor event for an unknown buffer: {}".format(cursor_event.buffer))
reg = rowcol_to_region(buffer.view, cursor_event.start, cursor_event.end)
reg_flags = sublime.RegionFlags.DRAW_EMPTY # show cursors.
user_hash = hash(cursor_event.user)
flags = reg_flags,
scope=_regions_colors[user_hash % len(_regions_colors)],
annotations = [cursor_event.user],
annotation_color=_palette[user_hash % len(_palette)]
except asyncio.CancelledError:
status_log("cursor worker stopped...")
def send_cursor(view):
global _cursor_controller
buffer_name = get_buffer_from_buffer_id(view.buffer_id()).remote_name
region = view.sel()[0] # TODO: only the last placed cursor/selection.
start = view.rowcol(region.begin()) #only counts UTF8 chars
end = view.rowcol(region.end())
_cursor_controller.send(buffer_name, start, end)
# Buffer Controller (managing text modifications)
# This class is used as an abstraction between the local buffers (sublime side) and the
# remote buffers (codemp side), to handle the syncronicity.
class CodempSublimeBuffer():
def __init__(self, view, remote_name):
self.view = view
self.remote_name = remote_name
self.worker_task_name = "buffer-worker-{}".format(self.remote_name)
async def attach(self, client):
global _txt_change_listener
global _buffers
status_log("attaching local buffer '{}' to '{}'".format(self.view.file_name(), self.remote_name))
# attach to the matching codemp buffer
self.controller = await client.attach(self.remote_name)
# if the view is already active calling focus_view() will not trigger the on_activate()
if is_active(self.view):
status_log("\tattaching text listener...")
# start the buffer worker that waits for text_changes in the worker thread
sublime_asyncio.dispatch(self.apply_buffer_change(), store_task(self.worker_task_name))
# mark all views associated with the buffer as being connected to codemp
for v in self.view.buffer().views():
v.set_status("z_codemp_buffer", "[Codemp]")
v.settings()["codemp_buffer"] = True
async def detach(self, client):
global _txt_change_listener
global _tasks
global _buffers
status_log("detaching buffer '{}' ({})".format(self.remote_name, self.view.file_name()))
if is_active(self.view):
await client.disconnect_buffer(self.remote_name)
# take down the worker task
for task in _tasks:
if task.get_name() == self.worker_task_name:
# remove yourself from the _buffers
# clean up all the stuff we left around
for v in self.view.buffer().views():
del v.settings()["codemp_buffer"]
async def apply_buffer_change(self):
global _txt_change_listener
status_log("spinning up '{}' buffer worker...".format(self.remote_name))
while text_change := await self.controller.recv():
# In case a change arrives to a background buffer, just apply it. We are not listening on it.
# Otherwise, interrupt the listening to avoid echoing back the change just received.
if text_change.is_empty():
status_log("change is empty. skipping.")
active = is_active(self.view)
if active:
# we need to go through a sublime text command, since the method, view.replace
# needs an edit token, that is obtained only when calling a textcommand associated with a view.
self.view.run_command("codemp_replace_text", {
"start": text_change.start_incl,
"end": text_change.end_excl,
"content": text_change.content,
"change_id": self.view.change_id()
if active:
except asyncio.CancelledError:
status_log("'{}' buffer worker stopped...".format(self.remote_name))
def send_buffer_change(self, changes):
# Sublime text on_text_changed events, can give a list of changes.
# in case of simple insertion or deletion the change is singular.
# but if we swap a string (select it and add another string in it's place) or have multiple selections
# or do an undo of some kind after the just mentioned events we receive multiple split text changes,
# e.g. select the world `hello` and replace it with `12345`: Sublime will separate it into two singular changes,
# first add `12345` in front of `hello`: `12345hello` then, delete the `hello`.
# we do not do any index checking, and trust sublime with providing the correct sequential indexing, assuming the
# changes are applied in the order they are received.
for change in changes:
region = sublime.Region(,
status_log("sending txt change: Reg({} {}) -> '{}'".format(region.begin(), region.end(), change.str))
self.controller.send(region.begin(), region.end(), change.str)
for window in
for view in window.views():
if view.file_name() == path:
return view
# we call this command manually to have access to the edit token.
class CodempReplaceTextCommand(sublime_plugin.TextCommand):
def run(self, edit, start, end, content, change_id):
# we modify the region to account for any change that happened in the mean time
region = self.view.transform_region_from(sublime.Region(start, end), change_id)
self.view.replace(edit, region, content)
def cleanup_tags(view):
del view.settings()["codemp_buffer"]
async def join_buffer_command(view, remote_name):
global _client
global _buffers
buffer = CodempSublimeBuffer(view, remote_name)
await buffer.attach(_client)
def tag(view):
view.set_status("z_codemp_buffer", "[Codemp]")
view.settings()["codemp_buffer"] = True
## we should receive all contents from the server upon joining.
except Exception as e:
sublime.error_message("Could not join buffer: {}".format(e))
# The main workflow:
# Plugin loads and initialises an empty handle to the client
# The plugin calls connect and populates the handle with a client instance
# We use the client to authenticate and login (to a workspace) to obtain a token
# We join a workspace (either new or existing)
async def share_buffer_command(buffer_path, remote_name = "test"):
global _client
global _buffers
view = get_view_from_local_path(buffer_path)
contents = get_contents(view)
await _client.create(remote_name, contents)
await join_buffer_command(view, remote_name)
except Exception as e:
sublime.error_message("Could not share buffer: {}".format(e))
async def disconnect_buffer_command(buffer):
global _client
await buffer.detach(_client)
# Listeners
class CodempClientViewEventListener(sublime_plugin.ViewEventListener):
def is_applicable(cls, settings):
return settings.get("codemp_buffer", False)
def is_applicable(cls, settings):
return settings.get("codemp_buffer", False)
def applies_to_primary_view_only(cls):
return False
def applies_to_primary_view_only(cls):
return False
def on_selection_modified_async(self):
def on_selection_modified_async(self):
global _client
vbuff = _client.active_workspace.get_virtual_by_local(self.view.buffer_id())
if vbuff is not None:
# We only edit on one view at a time, therefore we only need one TextChangeListener
# Each time we focus a view to write on it, we first attach the listener to that buffer.
# When we defocus, we detach it.
def on_activated(self):
global _txt_change_listener
print("view {} activated".format(
# We only edit on one view at a time, therefore we only need one TextChangeListener
# Each time we focus a view to write on it, we first attach the listener to that buffer.
# When we defocus, we detach it.
def on_activated(self):
global _txt_change_listener
print("view {} activated".format(
def on_deactivated(self):
global _txt_change_listener
print("view {} deactivated".format(
def on_deactivated(self):
global _txt_change_listener
print("view {} deactivated".format(
def on_pre_close(self):
global _client
buffer = get_buffer_from_buffer_id(self.view.buffer_id())
# have to run the detach logic in sync, to keep a valid reference to the view.
def on_text_command(self, command_name, args):
print(, command_name, args)
if command_name == "codemp_replace_text":
print("dry_run: detach text listener")
def on_post_text_command(self, command_name, args):
print(command_name, args)
if command_name == "codemp_replace_text":
print("dry_run: attach text listener")
def on_pre_close(self):
global _client
global _txt_change_listener
if is_active(self.view):
vbuff = _client.active_workspace.get_virtual_by_local(self.view.buffer_id())
print(list(map(lambda x: x.get_name(),
task ="buffer-ctl-{vbuff.codemp_id}")
print(list(map(lambda x: x.get_name(),
# have to run the detach logic in sync, to keep a valid reference to the view.
# sublime_asyncio.sync(buffer.detach(_client))
class CodempClientTextChangeListener(sublime_plugin.TextChangeListener):
def is_applicable(cls, buffer):
# don't attach this event listener automatically
# we'll do it by hand with .attach(buffer).
return False
def is_applicable(cls, buffer):
# don't attach this event listener automatically
# we'll do it by hand with .attach(buffer).
return False
# lets make this blocking :D
# def on_text_changed_async(self, changes):
def on_text_changed(self, changes):
subl_buffer = get_buffer_from_buffer_id(
# lets make this blocking :D
# def on_text_changed_async(self, changes):
def on_text_changed(self, changes):
global _client
if (
.get("codemp_ignore_next_on_modified_text_event", None)
status_log("ignoring echoing back the change.")
self.view.settings()["codemp_ignore_next_on_modified_text_event"] = False
vbuff = _client.active_workspace.get_virtual_by_local(
_client.send_buffer_change(changes, vbuff)
# Commands:
# codemp_connect: connect to a server.
# codemp_join: join a workspace with a given name within the server.
# codemp_share: shares a buffer with a given name in the workspace.
# codemp_connect: connect to a server.
# codemp_join: join a workspace with a given name within the server.
# codemp_share: shares a buffer with a given name in the workspace.
# Internal commands:
# replace_text: swaps the content of a view with the given text.
# replace_text: swaps the content of a view with the given text.
# Connect Command
class CodempConnectCommand(sublime_plugin.WindowCommand):
def run(self, server_host, session):
sublime_asyncio.dispatch(connect_command(server_host, session))
def run(self, server_host):
global _client
def input(self, args):
if 'server_host' not in args:
return ServerHostInputHandler()
def input(self, args):
if "server_host" not in args:
return ServerHostInputHandler()
def input_description(self):
return "Server host:"
def input_description(self):
return 'Server host:'
class ServerHostInputHandler(sublime_plugin.TextInputHandler):
def initial_text(self):
return ""
def next_input(self, args):
if 'workspace' not in args:
return CodempWorkspaceInputHandler()
class CodempWorkspaceInputHandler(sublime_plugin.TextInputHandler):
def name(self):
return 'session'
def initial_text(self):
return "default"
def initial_text(self):
return ""
# Join Command
# Join Workspace Command
class CodempJoinCommand(sublime_plugin.WindowCommand):
def run(self, server_buffer):
view = self.window.new_file(flags=sublime.NewFileFlags.TRANSIENT)
sublime_asyncio.dispatch(join_buffer_command(view, server_buffer))
def run(self, workspace_id):
global _client
def input_description(self):
return 'Join Buffer:'
def input_description(self):
return "Join Workspace:"
def input(self, args):
if 'server_buffer' not in args:
return ServerBufferInputHandler()
def input(self, args):
if "workspace_id" not in args:
return WorkspaceIdInputHandler()
class ServerBufferInputHandler(sublime_plugin.TextInputHandler):
def initial_text(self):
return "What buffer should I join?"
class WorkspaceIdInputHandler(sublime_plugin.TextInputHandler):
def initial_text(self):
return "What workspace should I join?"
# Join Buffer Command
class CodempAttachCommand(sublime_plugin.WindowCommand):
def run(self, buffer_id):
global _client
if _client.active_workspace is not None:
"You haven't joined any worksapce yet. use `Codemp: Join Workspace`"
def input_description(self):
return "Join Buffer in workspace:"
# This is awful, fix it
def input(self, args):
global _client
if _client.active_workspace is not None:
if "buffer_id" not in args:
existing_buffers = _client.active_workspace.handle.filetree()
if len(existing_buffers) == 0:
return BufferIdInputHandler()
return ListBufferIdInputHandler()
"You haven't joined any worksapce yet. use `Codemp: Join Workspace`"
class BufferIdInputHandler(sublime_plugin.TextInputHandler):
def initial_text(self):
return "Create New Buffer:"
class ListBufferIdInputHandler(sublime_plugin.ListInputHandler):
def name(self):
return "buffer_id"
def list_items(self):
global _client
return _client.active_workspace.handle.filetree()
def next_input(self, args):
if "buffer_id" not in args:
return BufferIdInputHandler()
# Text Change Command
# we call this command manually to have access to the edit token.
class CodempReplaceTextCommand(sublime_plugin.TextCommand):
def run(self, edit, start, end, content, change_id):
# we modify the region to account for any change that happened in the mean time
print("running the replace command, launche manually.")
region = self.view.transform_region_from(sublime.Region(start, end), change_id)
self.view.replace(edit, region, content)
# Share Command
class CodempShareCommand(sublime_plugin.WindowCommand):
def run(self, sublime_buffer_path, server_id):
sublime_asyncio.dispatch(share_buffer_command(sublime_buffer_path, server_id))
# #############################################################################
# class CodempShareCommand(sublime_plugin.WindowCommand):
# def run(self, sublime_buffer_path, server_id):
# sublime_asyncio.dispatch(share_buffer_command(sublime_buffer_path, server_id))
def input(self, args):
if 'sublime_buffer' not in args:
return SublimeBufferPathInputHandler()
# def input(self, args):
# if "sublime_buffer" not in args:
# return SublimeBufferPathInputHandler()
def input_description(self):
return 'Share Buffer:'
# def input_description(self):
# return "Share Buffer:"
class SublimeBufferPathInputHandler(sublime_plugin.ListInputHandler):
def list_items(self):
ret_list = []
for window in
for view in window.views():
if view.file_name():
# class SublimeBufferPathInputHandler(sublime_plugin.ListInputHandler):
# def list_items(self):
# ret_list = []
return ret_list
# for window in
# for view in window.views():
# if view.file_name():
# ret_list.append(view.file_name())
def next_input(self, args):
if 'server_id' not in args:
return ServerIdInputHandler()
# return ret_list
class ServerIdInputHandler(sublime_plugin.TextInputHandler):
def initial_text(self):
return "Buffer name on server"
# def next_input(self, args):
# if "server_id" not in args:
# return ServerIdInputHandler()
# Disconnect Buffer Command
class CodempDisconnectBufferCommand(sublime_plugin.WindowCommand):
def run(self, remote_name):
buffer = get_buffer_from_remote_name(remote_name)
def input(self, args):
if 'remote_name' not in args:
return RemoteNameInputHandler()
# class ServerIdInputHandler(sublime_plugin.TextInputHandler):
# def initial_text(self):
# return "Buffer name on server"
def input_description(self):
return 'Disconnect Buffer:'
class RemoteNameInputHandler(sublime_plugin.ListInputHandler):
def list_items(self):
global _buffers
ret_list = []
for buff in _buffers:
return ret_list
# Disconnect Command
class CodempDisconnectCommand(sublime_plugin.WindowCommand):
def run(self):
def run(self):
# Proxy Commands ( NOT USED )
# class ProxyCodempShareCommand(sublime_plugin.WindowCommand):
# # on_window_command, does not trigger when called from the command palette
# # See:
# def run(self, **kwargs):
# self.window.run_command("codemp_share", kwargs)
# # on_window_command, does not trigger when called from the command palette
# # See:
# def run(self, **kwargs):
# self.window.run_command("codemp_share", kwargs)
# def input(self, args):
# if 'sublime_buffer' not in args:
# return SublimeBufferPathInputHandler()
# def input(self, args):
# if 'sublime_buffer' not in args:
# return SublimeBufferPathInputHandler()
# def input_description(self):
# return 'Share Buffer:'
# def input_description(self):
# return 'Share Buffer:'
# class ProxyCodempJoinCommand(sublime_plugin.WindowCommand):
# def run(self, **kwargs):
# self.window.run_command("codemp_join", kwargs)
# def run(self, **kwargs):
# self.window.run_command("codemp_join", kwargs)
# def input(self, args):
# if 'server_buffer' not in args:
# return ServerBufferInputHandler()
# def input(self, args):
# if 'server_buffer' not in args:
# return ServerBufferInputHandler()
# def input_description(self):
# return 'Join Buffer:'
# def input_description(self):
# return 'Join Buffer:'
# class ProxyCodempConnectCommand(sublime_plugin.WindowCommand):
# # on_window_command, does not trigger when called from the command palette
# # See:
# def run(self, **kwargs):
# self.window.run_command("codemp_connect", kwargs)
# # on_window_command, does not trigger when called from the command palette
# # See:
# def run(self, **kwargs):
# self.window.run_command("codemp_connect", kwargs)
# def input(self, args):
# if 'server_host' not in args:
# return ServerHostInputHandler()
# def input(self, args):
# if 'server_host' not in args:
# return ServerHostInputHandler()
# def input_description(self):
# return 'Server host:'
# def input_description(self):
# return 'Server host:'
# def compress_change_region(changes):
# # the bounding region of all text changes.
# txt_a = float("inf")
# txt_b = 0
# # the bounding region of all text changes.
# txt_a = float("inf")
# txt_b = 0
# # the region in the original buffer subjected to the change.
# reg_a = float("inf")
# reg_b = 0
# # the region in the original buffer subjected to the change.
# reg_a = float("inf")
# reg_b = 0
# # we keep track of how much the changes move the indexing of the buffer
# buffer_shift = 0 # left - + right
# # we keep track of how much the changes move the indexing of the buffer
# buffer_shift = 0 # left - + right
# for change in changes:
# # the change in characters that the change would bring
# # len(str) and .len_utf8 are mutually exclusive
# # len(str) is when we insert new text at a position
# # .len_utf8 is the length of the deleted/canceled string in the buffer
# change_delta = len(change.str) - change.len_utf8
# for change in changes:
# # the change in characters that the change would bring
# # len(str) and .len_utf8 are mutually exclusive
# # len(str) is when we insert new text at a position
# # .len_utf8 is the length of the deleted/canceled string in the buffer
# change_delta = len(change.str) - change.len_utf8
# # the text region is enlarged to the left
# txt_a = min(txt_a,
# # the text region is enlarged to the left
# txt_a = min(txt_a,
# # On insertion, ==
# # If we meet a new insertion further than the current window
# # we expand to the right by that change.
# # On deletion, == - change.len_utf8
# # when we delete a selection and it is further than the current window
# # we enlarge to the right up until the begin of the deleted region.
# if > txt_b:
# txt_b = + change_delta
# else:
# # otherwise we just shift the window according to the change
# txt_b += change_delta
# # On insertion, ==
# # If we meet a new insertion further than the current window
# # we expand to the right by that change.
# # On deletion, == - change.len_utf8
# # when we delete a selection and it is further than the current window
# # we enlarge to the right up until the begin of the deleted region.
# if > txt_b:
# txt_b = + change_delta
# else:
# # otherwise we just shift the window according to the change
# txt_b += change_delta
# # the bounding region enlarged to the left
# reg_a = min(reg_a,
# # the bounding region enlarged to the left
# reg_a = min(reg_a,
# # In this bit, we want to look at the buffer BEFORE the modifications
# # but we are working on the buffer modified by all previous changes for each loop
# # we use buffer_shift to keep track of how the buffer shifts around
# # to map back to the correct index for each change in the unmodified buffer.
# if + buffer_shift > reg_b:
# # we only enlarge if we have changes that exceede on the right the current window
# reg_b = + buffer_shift
# # In this bit, we want to look at the buffer BEFORE the modifications
# # but we are working on the buffer modified by all previous changes for each loop
# # we use buffer_shift to keep track of how the buffer shifts around
# # to map back to the correct index for each change in the unmodified buffer.
# if + buffer_shift > reg_b:
# # we only enlarge if we have changes that exceede on the right the current window
# reg_b = + buffer_shift
# # after using the change delta, we archive it for the next iterations
# # the minus is just for being able to "add" the buffer shift with a +.
# # since we encode deleted text as negative in the change_delta, but that requires the shift to the
# # old position to be positive, and viceversa for text insertion.
# buffer_shift -= change_delta
# # after using the change delta, we archive it for the next iterations
# # the minus is just for being able to "add" the buffer shift with a +.
# # since we encode deleted text as negative in the change_delta, but that requires the shift to the
# # old position to be positive, and viceversa for text insertion.
# buffer_shift -= change_delta
# # print("\t[buff change]",, change.str, "(", change.len_utf8,")",
# # print("\t[buff change]",, change.str, "(", change.len_utf8,")",
# # print("[walking txt]", "[", txt_a, txt_b, "]", txt)
# # print("[walking reg]", "[", reg_a, reg_b, "]")
# return reg_a, reg_b
# # print("[walking txt]", "[", txt_a, txt_b, "]", txt)
# # print("[walking reg]", "[", reg_a, reg_b, "]")
# return reg_a, reg_b

View file

@ -1,77 +1,508 @@
import asyncio
import Codemp.bindings.codemp_client as libcodemp
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import Optional, Callable
# These are helper wrappers, not very interesting
import sublime
import sublime_plugin
class CodempClient():
import Codemp.ext.sublime_asyncio as sublime_asyncio
def __init__(self):
self.handle = libcodemp.codemp_init()
## Bindings
async def connect(self, server_host): # -> None
await self.handle.connect(server_host)
import asyncio # noqa: F401
import typing # noqa: F401
import tempfile
import os
from Codemp.bindings.codemp_client import codemp_init, PyCursorEvent, PyTextChange, PyId
async def join(self, session): # -> CursorController
return CursorController(await self.handle.join(session))
async def create(self, path, content=None): # -> None
await self.handle.create(path, content)
async def attach(self, path): # -> BufferController
return BufferController(await self.handle.attach(path))
async def get_cursor(self): # -> CursorController
return CursorController(await self.handle.get_cursor())
async def get_buffer(self, path): # -> BufferController
return BufferController(await self.handle.get_buffer())
async def leave_workspace(self): # -> None
await self.handle.leave_workspace()
async def disconnect_buffer(self, path): # -> None
await self.handle.disconnect_buffer(path)
async def select_buffer(self): # -> String
await self.handle.select_buffer()
class CursorController():
def __init__(self, handle):
self.handle = handle
def send(self, buffer_id, start, end): # -> None
self.handle.send(buffer_id, start, end)
def try_recv(self): # -> Optional[CursorEvent]
return self.handle.try_recv()
async def recv(self): # -> CursorEvent
return await self.handle.recv()
async def poll(self): # -> None
# await until new cursor event, then returns
return await self.handle.poll()
class BufferController():
def __init__(self, handle):
self.handle = handle
def content(self): # -> String
return self.content()
def send(self, start, end, txt): # -> None
self.handle.send(start, end, txt)
def try_recv(self): # -> Optional[TextChange]
return self.handle.try_recv()
async def recv(self): # -> TextChange
return await self.handle.recv()
async def poll(self): # -> ??
return await self.handle.poll()
# Some utility functions
def status_log(msg):
sublime.status_message("[codemp] {}".format(msg))
print("[codemp] {}".format(msg))
def rowcol_to_region(view, start, end):
a = view.text_point(start[0], start[1])
b = view.text_point(end[0], end[1])
return sublime.Region(a, b)
def is_active(view):
if view.window().active_view() == view:
return True
return False
def safe_listener_detach(txt_listener):
if txt_listener.is_attached():
# This class is used as an abstraction between the local buffers (sublime side) and the
# remote buffers (codemp side), to handle the syncronicity.
# This class is mainly manipulated by a VirtualWorkspace, that manages its buffers
# using this abstract class
class VirtualBuffer:
def __init__(
view: sublime.View,
remote_id: str,
workspace: VirtualWorkspace,
buffctl: BufferController,
self.view = view
self.codemp_id = remote_id
self.sublime_id = view.buffer_id()
self.worker_task_name = "buffer-worker-{}".format(self.codemp_id)
self.workspace = workspace
self.buffctl = buffctl
self.tmpfile = os.path.join(workspace.rootdir, self.codemp_id)
open(self.tmpfile, "a").close()
# mark the view as a codemp view
self.view.set_status("z_codemp_buffer", "[Codemp]")
self.view.settings()["codemp_buffer"] = True
# # start the buffer worker that waits for text_changes in the worker thread
# sublime_asyncio.dispatch(
# self.apply_buffer_change_task(), store_task(self.worker_task_name)
# )
def cleanup(self):
# cleanup views
del self.view.settings()["codemp_buffer"]
# the text listener should be detached by the event listener
# on close and on_deactivated events.
# A virtual workspace is a bridge class that aims to translate
# events that happen to the codemp workspaces into sublime actions
class VirtualWorkspace:
def __init__(self, client: VirtualClient, workspace_id: str, handle: Workspace): = workspace_id
self.sublime_window = sublime.active_window()
self.client = client
self.handle = handle
self.curctl = handle.cursor()
self.active_buffers: list[VirtualBuffer] = []
# initialise the virtual filesystem
tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="codemp_")
status_log("setting up virtual fs for workspace in: {} ".format(tmpdir))
self.rootdir = tmpdir
# and add a new "project folder"
proj_data = self.sublime_window.project_data()
if proj_data is None:
proj_data = {"folders": []}
{"name": "CODEMP::" + workspace_id, "path": self.rootdir}
# start the event listener?
def cleanup(self):
# the worskpace only cares about closing the various open views on its buffers.
# the event listener calls the cleanup code for each buffer independently on its own.
for vbuff in self.active_buffers:
d = self.sublime_window.project_data()
newf = filter(lambda F: not F["name"].startwith("CODEMP::"), d["folders"])
d["folders"] = newf
def get_virtual_by_local(self, id: str) -> Optional[VirtualBuffer]:
return next(
(vbuff for vbuff in self.active_buffers if vbuff.sublime_id == id), None
def get_virtual_by_remote(self, id: str) -> Optional[VirtualBuffer]:
return next(
(vbuff for vbuff in self.active_buffers if vbuff.codemp_id == id), None
async def attach(self, id: str):
if id is None:
status_log("can't attach if buffer does not exist, aborting.")
await self.handle.fetch_buffers()
existing_buffers = self.handle.filetree()
if id not in existing_buffers:
await self.handle.create(id)
except Exception as e:
status_log(f"could not create buffer: {e}")
buff_ctl = await self.handle.attach(id)
except Exception as e:
status_log(f"error when attaching to buffer '{id}': {e}")
view = self.sublime_window.new_file()
vbuff = VirtualBuffer(view, id, self, buff_ctl)
# if the view is already active calling focus_view() will not trigger the on_activate()
class VirtualClient:
def __init__(self, on_exit: Callable = None):
self.handle: Client = Client()
self.workspaces: list[VirtualWorkspace] = []
self.active_workspace: VirtualWorkspace = None = TaskManager(on_exit)
self.change_clock = 0
def make_active(self, ws: VirtualWorkspace):
# TODO: Logic to deal with swapping to and from workspaces,
# what happens to the cursor tasks etc..
if self.active_workspace is not None:"move-cursor-{}")
self.active_workspace = ws
def get_virtual_local(self, id: str) -> Optional[VirtualWorkspace]:
# get's the workspace that contains a buffer
for vws in self.workspaces
if vws.get_virtual_by_local(id) is not None
def get_virtual_remote(self, id: str) -> Optional[VirtualWorkspace]:
# get's the workspace that contains a buffer
for vws in self.workspaces
if vws.get_virtual_by_remote(id) is not None
async def connect(self, server_host: str):
status_log(f"Connecting to {server_host}")
await self.handle.connect(server_host)
except Exception:
sublime.error_message("Could not connect:\n Make sure the server is up.")
id = await self.handle.user_id()
print(f"TEST: {id}")
async def join_workspace(
self, workspace_id: str, user="sublime", password="lmaodefaultpassword"
status_log(f"Logging into workspace: '{workspace_id}'")
await self.handle.login(user, password, workspace_id)
except Exception as e:
sublime.error_message(f"Failed to login to workspace '{workspace_id}': {e}")
status_log(f"Joining workspace: '{workspace_id}'")
workspace_handle = await self.handle.join_workspace(workspace_id)
except Exception as e:
sublime.error_message(f"Could not join workspace '{workspace_id}': {e}")
# here we should also start the workspace event watcher task
vws = VirtualWorkspace(self, workspace_id, workspace_handle)
def spawn_cursor_manager(self, virtual_workspace: VirtualWorkspace):
async def move_cursor_task(vws):
global _regions_colors
global _palette
status_log(f"spinning up cursor worker for workspace '{}'...")
# TODO: make the matching user/color more solid. now all users have one color cursor.
# Maybe make all cursors the same color and only use annotations as a discriminant.
# idea: use a user id hash map that maps to a color.
while cursor_event := await vws.curctl.recv():
vbuff = vws.get_virtual_by_remote(cursor_event.buffer)
if vbuff is None:
f"Received a cursor event for an unknown or inactive buffer: {cursor_event.buffer}"
reg = rowcol_to_region(
vbuff.view, cursor_event.start, cursor_event.end
reg_flags = sublime.RegionFlags.DRAW_EMPTY # show cursors.
user_hash = hash(cursor_event.user)
scope=_regions_colors[user_hash % len(_regions_colors)],
annotation_color=_palette[user_hash % len(_palette)],
except asyncio.CancelledError:
status_log(f"cursor worker for '{}' stopped...")
move_cursor_task(virtual_workspace), f"cursor-ctl-{}"
def send_cursor(self, vbuff: VirtualBuffer):
# TODO: only the last placed cursor/selection.
status_log(f"sending cursor position in workspace: {}")
region = vbuff.view.sel()[0]
start = vbuff.view.rowcol(region.begin()) # only counts UTF8 chars
end = vbuff.view.rowcol(region.end())
vbuff.workspace.curctl.send(vbuff.codemp_id, start, end)
def spawn_buffer_manager(self, vbuff: VirtualBuffer):
status_log("spawning buffer manager")
async def apply_buffer_change_task(vb):
status_log(f"spinning up '{vb.codemp_id}' buffer worker...")
while text_change := await vb.buffctl.recv():
# In case a change arrives to a background buffer, just apply it.
# We are not listening on it. Otherwise, interrupt the listening
# to avoid echoing back the change just received.
if text_change.is_empty():
status_log("change is empty. skipping.")
] = True
# we need to go through a sublime text command, since the method,
# view.replace needs an edit token, that is obtained only when calling
# a textcommand associated with a view.
"start": text_change.start_incl,
"end": text_change.end_excl,
"content": text_change.content,
"change_id": vb.view.change_id(),
except asyncio.CancelledError:
status_log("'{}' buffer worker stopped...".format(vb.codemp_id))
apply_buffer_change_task(vbuff), f"buffer-ctl-{vbuff.codemp_id}"
def send_buffer_change(self, changes, vbuff: VirtualBuffer):
# we do not do any index checking, and trust sublime with providing the correct
# sequential indexing, assuming the changes are applied in the order they are received.
for change in changes:
region = sublime.Region(,
"sending txt change: Reg({} {}) -> '{}'".format(
region.begin(), region.end(), change.str
vbuff.buffctl.send(region.begin(), region.end(), change.str)
class TaskManager:
def __init__(self, exit_handler):
self.tasks = []
self.exit_handler_id = sublime_asyncio.acquire(exit_handler)
def release(self, at_exit):
sublime_asyncio.release(at_exit, self.exit_handler_id)
def dispatch(self, coro, name):
sublime_asyncio.dispatch(coro, self.store_named_lambda(name))
def sync(self, coro):
def store(self, task):
def store_named(self, task, name=None):
def store_named_lambda(self, name):
def _store(task):
return _store
def get_task(self, name) -> Optional:
return next((t for t in self.tasks if t.get_name() == name), None)
def get_task_idx(self, name) -> Optional:
return next(
(i for (i, t) in enumerate(self.tasks) if t.get_name() == name), None
def pop_task(self, name) -> Optional:
idx = self.get_task_idx(name)
if id is not None:
return self.task.pop(idx)
return None
def stop(self, name):
t = self.get_task(name)
if t is not None:
def stop_and_pop(self, name) -> Optional:
idx, task = next(
((i, t) for (i, t) in enumerate(self.tasks) if t.get_name() == name),
(None, None),
if idx is not None:
return self.tasks.pop(idx)
def stop_all(self):
for task in self.tasks:
# These are helper wrappers, that wrap the coroutines returned from the
# pyo3 bindings into usable awaitable functions.
# These should not be directly extended but rather use the higher level "virtual" counterparts above.
# All methods, without an explicit 'noexcept' are to be treated as failable
# and can throw an error
class CursorController:
def __init__(self, handle) -> None: # noexcept
self.handle = handle
def send(self, path: str, start: tuple[int, int], end: tuple[int, int]) -> None:
self.handle.send(path, start, end)
def try_recv(self) -> Optional[PyCursorEvent]:
return self.handle.try_recv()
async def recv(self) -> PyCursorEvent:
return await self.handle.recv()
async def poll(self) -> None:
# await until new cursor event, then returns
return await self.handle.poll()
class BufferController:
def __init__(self, handle) -> None: # noexcept
self.handle = handle
def send(self, start: int, end: int, txt: str) -> None:
self.handle.send(start, end, txt)
def try_recv(self) -> Optional[PyTextChange]:
return self.handle.try_recv()
async def recv(self) -> PyTextChange:
return await self.handle.recv()
async def poll(self) -> None:
return await self.handle.poll()
class Workspace:
def __init__(self, handle) -> None: # noexcept
self.handle = handle
async def create(self, path: str) -> None:
await self.handle.create(path)
async def attach(self, path: str) -> BufferController:
return BufferController(await self.handle.attach(path))
async def fetch_buffers(self) -> None:
await self.handle.fetch_buffers()
async def fetch_users(self) -> None:
await self.handle.fetch_users()
async def list_buffer_users(self, path: str) -> list[PyId]:
return await self.handle.list_buffer_users(path)
async def delete(self, path) -> None:
await self.handle.delete(path)
def id(self) -> str: # noexcept
def cursor(self) -> CursorController:
return CursorController(self.handle.cursor())
def buffer_by_name(self, path) -> BufferController:
return BufferController(self.handle.buffer_by_name(path))
def filetree(self) -> list[str]: # noexcept
return self.handle.filetree()
class Client:
def __init__(self) -> None:
self.handle = codemp_init()
async def connect(self, server_host: str) -> None:
await self.handle.connect(server_host)
async def login(self, user: str, password: str, workspace: Optional[str]) -> None:
await self.handle.login(user, password, workspace)
async def join_workspace(self, workspace: str) -> Workspace:
return Workspace(await self.handle.join_workspace(workspace))
async def get_workspace(self, id: str) -> Optional[Workspace]:
return Workspace(await self.handle.get_workspace(id))
async def user_id(self) -> str:
return await self.handle.user_id()