alemi ebbca24a99 chore: dramatically simplified everything
working on this was really hard, so i'm making simple things first.
removed almost everything except bare buffer changes, and not even done
in a smart way, but should be a working PoC? now trying to make a
working client to test it out and actually work on a real prototype
2023-04-07 03:10:45 +02:00

27 lines
472 B
Protocol Buffer

syntax = "proto3";
package buffer;
service Buffer {
rpc Attach (BufferPayload) returns (stream RawOp);
rpc Edit (OperationRequest) returns (BufferResponse);
rpc Create (BufferPayload) returns (BufferResponse);
message RawOp {
string opseq = 1;
message OperationRequest {
string path = 1;
string hash = 2;
string opseq = 3;
message BufferPayload {
string path = 2;
optional string content = 3;
message BufferResponse {
bool accepted = 3;