- [ ]`dist/py/pyproject.toml`: make sure version matches with Cargo.toml
- [ ]`dist/java/build.gradle`: make sure version matches with Cargo.toml
- [ ]`dist/lua/codemp-X.Y.Z-1.rockspec`: make sure version matches with Cargo.toml (note that rockspec file contains current version in its name so must be renamed) (note that rockspec versions have a fourth component: "revision". we don't use it so always set is as `1`)
- [ ] update `Cargo.lock` (basically delete it and re-run `cargo build`. check diff before committing!)
- [ ]**make sure the version you're about to release is available** (on all registries!)
- [ ] update last tag in "commits since last tag" badge (in README.md)
- [ ] commit all these changes (in `release/vX.Y.Z` branch), open a PR and have it approved and merged
- [ ] generate a new tag with same version as the one specified in Cargo.toml. include changelog in its description (use `git log <last-tag>..HEAD --oneline` to get a commit list, but **don't just put it as-is!**). **remember to push the newly generated tag with** (`git push --tags`)