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//! ### Lua
2024-09-04 21:37:35 +02:00
//! Using [mlua] it's possible to map almost perfectly the entirety of `codemp` API.
//! Notable outliers are functions that receive `codemp` objects: these instead receive arguments
//! to build the object instead (such as [`crate::api::Controller::send`])
//! Note that async operations are carried out on a [tokio] current_thread runtime, so it is
//! necessary to drive it. A separate driver thread can be spawned with `spawn_runtime_driver`
//! function.
//! To work with callbacks, the main Lua thread must periodically stop and poll for callbacks via
2024-09-04 21:37:35 +02:00
//! `poll_callback`, otherwise those will never run. This is necessary to allow safe concurrent
//! access to the global Lua state, so minimize callback execution time as much as possible.
2024-09-04 21:37:35 +02:00
use std::io::Write;
use std::sync::Mutex;
2024-08-05 19:16:17 +02:00
use crate::api::Cursor;
use crate::ext::IgnorableError;
use crate::prelude::*;
2024-09-04 21:37:35 +02:00
use crate::workspace::DetachResult;
use mlua::prelude::*;
use tokio::sync::mpsc;
use tokio::sync::mpsc::error::TryRecvError;
2024-09-01 03:09:35 +02:00
impl From::<crate::errors::ConnectionError> for LuaError {
fn from(value: crate::errors::ConnectionError) -> Self {
2024-09-04 21:37:35 +02:00
impl From::<crate::errors::RemoteError> for LuaError {
fn from(value: crate::errors::RemoteError) -> Self {
2024-09-01 03:09:35 +02:00
impl From::<crate::errors::ControllerError> for LuaError {
fn from(value: crate::errors::ControllerError) -> Self {
fn tokio() -> &'static tokio::runtime::Runtime {
use std::sync::OnceLock;
static RT: OnceLock<tokio::runtime::Runtime> = OnceLock::new();
.expect("could not create tokio runtime")
// TODO cannot do Box<dyn IntoLuaMulti> ?? maybe its temporary because im using betas
enum CallbackArg {
impl From<CodempCursorController> for CallbackArg {
fn from(value: CodempCursorController) -> Self {
impl From<CodempBufferController> for CallbackArg {
fn from(value: CodempBufferController) -> Self {
impl From<CodempEvent> for CallbackArg {
fn from(value: CodempEvent) -> Self {
struct CallbackChannel {
tx: tokio::sync::mpsc::UnboundedSender<(LuaFunction, CallbackArg)>,
rx: std::sync::Mutex<tokio::sync::mpsc::UnboundedReceiver<(LuaFunction, CallbackArg)>>
impl Default for CallbackChannel {
fn default() -> Self {
let (tx, rx) = tokio::sync::mpsc::unbounded_channel();
let rx = std::sync::Mutex::new(rx);
Self {
tx, rx,
impl CallbackChannel {
fn send(&self, cb: LuaFunction, arg: impl Into<CallbackArg>) {
self.tx.send((cb, arg.into())).unwrap_or_warn("error scheduling callback")
fn recv(&self) -> Option<(LuaFunction, CallbackArg)> {
match self.rx.try_lock() {
Ok(mut lock) => match lock.try_recv() {
Ok(res) => Some(res),
Err(TryRecvError::Empty) => None,
Err(TryRecvError::Disconnected) => {
tracing::error!("callback channel closed");
Err(e) => {
tracing::warn!("could not acquire callback channel mutex: {e}");
lazy_static::lazy_static! {
static ref CHANNEL: CallbackChannel = CallbackChannel::default();
struct Promise<T: Send + Sync + IntoLuaMulti>(Option<tokio::task::JoinHandle<LuaResult<T>>>);
impl<T: Send + Sync + IntoLuaMulti + 'static> LuaUserData for Promise<T> {
fn add_fields<F: LuaUserDataFields<Self>>(fields: &mut F) {
fields.add_field_method_get("ready", |_, this|
Ok(this.0.as_ref().map_or(true, |x| x.is_finished()))
fn add_methods<M: LuaUserDataMethods<Self>>(methods: &mut M) {
// TODO: await MUST NOT be used in callbacks!!
methods.add_method_mut("await", |_, this, ()| match this.0.take() {
None => Err(LuaError::runtime("Promise already awaited")),
Some(x) => {
// methods.add_method_mut("and_then", |_, this, (cb,):(LuaFunction,)| match this.0.take() {
// None => Err(LuaError::runtime("Promise already awaited")),
// Some(x) => {
// tokio()
// .spawn(async move {
// match x.await {
// Err(e) => tracing::error!("could not join promise to run callback: {e}"),
// Ok(Err(e)) => tracing::error!("promise returned error: {e}"),
// Ok(Ok(res)) => {
// if let Err(e) =<()>(res) {
// tracing::error!("error running promise callback: {e}");
// }
// },
// }
// });
// Ok(())
// },
// });
macro_rules! a_sync {
($($clone:ident)* => $x:expr) => {
$(let $clone = $clone.clone();)*
Ok(Promise(Some(tokio().spawn(async move { $x }))))
2024-08-22 20:21:43 +02:00
fn spawn_runtime_driver(_: &Lua, ():()) -> LuaResult<Driver> {
let (tx, mut rx) = tokio::sync::mpsc::unbounded_channel();
let handle = std::thread::spawn(move || tokio().block_on(async move {
tracing::info!(" :: driving runtime...");
tokio::select! {
() = std::future::pending::<()>() => {},
_ = rx.recv() => {},
Ok(Driver(tx, Some(handle)))
struct Driver(tokio::sync::mpsc::UnboundedSender<()>, Option<std::thread::JoinHandle<()>>);
impl LuaUserData for Driver {
fn add_methods<M: LuaUserDataMethods<Self>>(methods: &mut M) {
methods.add_meta_method(LuaMetaMethod::ToString, |_, this, ()| Ok(format!("{:?}", this)));
methods.add_method_mut("stop", |_, this, ()| {
match this.1.take() {
None => Ok(false),
Some(handle) => {
if this.0.send(()).is_err() {
tracing::warn!("found runtime already stopped while attempting to stop it");
match handle.join() {
Err(e) => Err(LuaError::runtime(format!("runtime thread panicked: {e:?}"))),
Ok(()) => Ok(true),
2024-08-08 04:14:24 +02:00
impl LuaUserData for CodempClient {
fn add_fields<F: LuaUserDataFields<Self>>(fields: &mut F) {
2024-08-22 01:14:48 +02:00
fields.add_field_method_get("id", |_, this| Ok(this.user().id.to_string()));
fields.add_field_method_get("username", |_, this| Ok(this.user().name.clone()));
2024-08-22 20:21:43 +02:00
fields.add_field_method_get("active_workspaces", |_, this| Ok(this.active_workspaces()));
fn add_methods<M: LuaUserDataMethods<Self>>(methods: &mut M) {
methods.add_meta_method(LuaMetaMethod::ToString, |_, this, ()| Ok(format!("{:?}", this)));
2024-08-22 01:14:48 +02:00
methods.add_method("refresh", |_, this, ()|
a_sync! { this => Ok(this.refresh().await?) }
2024-08-08 04:42:11 +02:00
2024-08-22 01:14:48 +02:00
methods.add_method("join_workspace", |_, this, (ws,):(String,)|
a_sync! { this => Ok(this.join_workspace(ws).await?) }
methods.add_method("create_workspace", |_, this, (ws,):(String,)|
a_sync! { this => Ok(this.create_workspace(ws).await?) }
methods.add_method("delete_workspace", |_, this, (ws,):(String,)|
a_sync! { this => Ok(this.delete_workspace(ws).await?) }
methods.add_method("invite_to_workspace", |_, this, (ws,user):(String,String)|
a_sync! { this => Ok(this.invite_to_workspace(ws, user).await?) }
methods.add_method("list_workspaces", |_, this, (owned,invited):(Option<bool>,Option<bool>)|
a_sync! { this => Ok(this.list_workspaces(owned.unwrap_or(true), invited.unwrap_or(true)).await?) }
methods.add_method("leave_workspace", |_, this, (ws,):(String,)|
2024-08-22 01:14:48 +02:00
methods.add_method("get_workspace", |_, this, (ws,):(String,)| Ok(this.get_workspace(&ws)));
2024-08-05 19:16:17 +02:00
impl LuaUserData for CodempWorkspace {
fn add_methods<M: LuaUserDataMethods<Self>>(methods: &mut M) {
methods.add_meta_method(LuaMetaMethod::ToString, |_, this, ()| Ok(format!("{:?}", this)));
methods.add_method("create_buffer", |_, this, (name,):(String,)|
a_sync! { this => Ok(this.create(&name).await?) }
methods.add_method("attach_buffer", |_, this, (name,):(String,)|
a_sync! { this => Ok(this.attach(&name).await?) }
methods.add_method("detach_buffer", |_, this, (name,):(String,)|
2024-08-08 04:42:11 +02:00
Ok(matches!(this.detach(&name), DetachResult::Detaching | DetachResult::AlreadyDetached))
2024-08-08 04:42:11 +02:00
methods.add_method("delete_buffer", |_, this, (name,):(String,)|
a_sync! { this => Ok(this.delete(&name).await?) }
2024-08-05 19:16:17 +02:00
methods.add_method("get_buffer", |_, this, (name,):(String,)| Ok(this.buffer_by_name(&name)));
methods.add_method("event", |_, this, ()|
a_sync! { this => Ok(this.event().await?) }
methods.add_method("fetch_buffers", |_, this, ()|
a_sync! { this => Ok(this.fetch_buffers().await?) }
methods.add_method("fetch_users", |_, this, ()|
a_sync! { this => Ok(this.fetch_users().await?) }
// methods.add_method("callback", |_, this, (cb,):(LuaFunction,)| {
// let _this = this.clone();
// tokio().spawn(async move {
// while let Ok(ev) = _this.event().await {
// if let Err(e) =<()>(ev) {
// tracing::error!("error running workspace callback: {e}");
// }
// }
// });
// Ok(())
// });
methods.add_method("filetree", |_, this, (filter,):(Option<String>,)|
fn add_fields<F: LuaUserDataFields<Self>>(fields: &mut F) {
2024-08-22 20:21:43 +02:00
fields.add_field_method_get("name", |_, this| Ok(;
2024-08-05 19:16:17 +02:00
fields.add_field_method_get("cursor", |_, this| Ok(this.cursor()));
fields.add_field_method_get("active_buffers", |_, this| Ok(this.buffer_list()));
// fields.add_field_method_get("users", |_, this| Ok(this.0.users())); // TODO
impl LuaUserData for CodempEvent {
fn add_methods<M: LuaUserDataMethods<Self>>(methods: &mut M) {
methods.add_meta_method(LuaMetaMethod::ToString, |_, this, ()| Ok(format!("{:?}", this)));
fn add_fields<F: LuaUserDataFields<Self>>(fields: &mut F) {
fields.add_field_method_get("type", |_, this| match this {
CodempEvent::FileTreeUpdated(_) => Ok("filetree"),
CodempEvent::UserJoin(_) | CodempEvent::UserLeave(_) => Ok("user"),
fields.add_field_method_get("value", |_, this| match this {
CodempEvent::FileTreeUpdated(x) => Ok(x.clone()),
CodempEvent::UserJoin(x) | CodempEvent::UserLeave(x) => Ok(x.clone()),
2024-08-05 19:16:17 +02:00
impl LuaUserData for CodempCursorController {
fn add_methods<M: LuaUserDataMethods<Self>>(methods: &mut M) {
2024-08-05 19:16:17 +02:00
methods.add_meta_method(LuaMetaMethod::ToString, |_, this, ()| Ok(format!("{:?}", this)));
methods.add_method("send", |_, this, (buffer, start_row, start_col, end_row, end_col):(String, i32, i32, i32, i32)|
a_sync! { this => Ok(this.send(CodempCursor { buffer, start: (start_row, start_col), end: (end_row, end_col), user: None }).await?) }
methods.add_method("try_recv", |_, this, ()|
a_sync! { this => Ok(this.try_recv().await?) }
methods.add_method("recv", |_, this, ()| a_sync! { this => Ok(this.recv().await?) });
methods.add_method("poll", |_, this, ()| a_sync! { this => Ok(this.poll().await?) });
methods.add_method("stop", |_, this, ()| Ok(this.stop()));
methods.add_method("clear_callback", |_, this, ()| { this.clear_callback(); Ok(()) });
methods.add_method("callback", |_, this, (cb,):(LuaFunction,)| {
this.callback(move |controller: CodempCursorController| CHANNEL.send(cb.clone(), controller));
2024-08-05 19:16:17 +02:00
impl LuaUserData for Cursor {
fn add_methods<M: LuaUserDataMethods<Self>>(methods: &mut M) {
methods.add_meta_method(LuaMetaMethod::ToString, |_, this, ()| Ok(format!("{:?}", this)));
fn add_fields<F: LuaUserDataFields<Self>>(fields: &mut F) {
2024-08-05 19:16:17 +02:00
fields.add_field_method_get("user", |_, this| Ok(|x| x.to_string())));
fields.add_field_method_get("buffer", |_, this| Ok(this.buffer.clone()));
fields.add_field_method_get("start", |_, this| Ok(RowCol::from(this.start)));
fields.add_field_method_get("finish", |_, this| Ok(RowCol::from(this.end)));
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
struct RowCol {
row: i32,
col: i32,
2024-08-05 19:16:17 +02:00
impl From<(i32, i32)> for RowCol {
fn from((row, col): (i32, i32)) -> Self {
Self { row, col }
2024-08-05 19:16:17 +02:00
impl LuaUserData for RowCol {
fn add_methods<M: LuaUserDataMethods<Self>>(methods: &mut M) {
methods.add_meta_method(LuaMetaMethod::ToString, |_, this, ()| Ok(format!("{:?}", this)));
fn add_fields<F: LuaUserDataFields<Self>>(fields: &mut F) {
2024-08-05 19:16:17 +02:00
fields.add_field_method_get("row", |_, this| Ok(this.row));
fields.add_field_method_get("col", |_, this| Ok(this.col));
2024-08-05 19:16:17 +02:00
impl LuaUserData for CodempBufferController {
fn add_methods<M: LuaUserDataMethods<Self>>(methods: &mut M) {
2024-08-05 19:16:17 +02:00
methods.add_meta_method(LuaMetaMethod::ToString, |_, this, ()| Ok(format!("{:?}", this)));
methods.add_method("send", |_, this, (start, end, content, hash): (usize, usize, String, Option<i64>)|
a_sync! { this => Ok(
CodempTextChange {
start: start as u32,
end: end as u32,
methods.add_method("try_recv", |_, this, ()| a_sync! { this => Ok(this.try_recv().await?) });
methods.add_method("recv", |_, this, ()| a_sync! { this => Ok(this.recv().await?) });
methods.add_method("poll", |_, this, ()| a_sync! { this => Ok(this.poll().await?) });
methods.add_method("stop", |_, this, ()| Ok(this.stop()));
methods.add_method("content", |_, this, ()| a_sync! { this => Ok(this.content().await?) });
methods.add_method("clear_callback", |_, this, ()| { this.clear_callback(); Ok(()) });
methods.add_method("callback", |_, this, (cb,):(LuaFunction,)| {
this.callback(move |controller: CodempBufferController| CHANNEL.send(cb.clone(), controller));
2024-08-05 19:16:17 +02:00
impl LuaUserData for CodempTextChange {
fn add_fields<F: LuaUserDataFields<Self>>(fields: &mut F) {
2024-08-05 19:16:17 +02:00
fields.add_field_method_get("content", |_, this| Ok(this.content.clone()));
fields.add_field_method_get("first", |_, this| Ok(this.start));
fields.add_field_method_get("last", |_, this| Ok(this.end));
fields.add_field_method_get("hash", |_, this| Ok(this.hash));
fn add_methods<M: LuaUserDataMethods<Self>>(methods: &mut M) {
2024-08-05 19:16:17 +02:00
methods.add_meta_method(LuaMetaMethod::ToString, |_, this, ()| Ok(format!("{:?}", this)));
methods.add_method("apply", |_, this, (txt,):(String,)| Ok(this.apply(&txt)));
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
struct LuaLoggerProducer(mpsc::UnboundedSender<String>);
impl Write for LuaLoggerProducer {
fn write(&mut self, buf: &[u8]) -> std::io::Result<usize> {
let _ = self.0.send(String::from_utf8_lossy(buf).to_string());
fn flush(&mut self) -> std::io::Result<()> { Ok(()) }
// TODO can we make this less verbose?
fn logger(_: &Lua, (printer, debug): (LuaValue, Option<bool>)) -> LuaResult<bool> {
let level = if debug.unwrap_or_default() { tracing::Level::DEBUG } else {tracing::Level::INFO };
let success = match printer {
| LuaValue::LightUserData(_)
| LuaValue::Integer(_)
| LuaValue::Number(_)
| LuaValue::Table(_)
| LuaValue::Thread(_)
| LuaValue::UserData(_)
| LuaValue::Error(_) => return Err(LuaError::BindError), // TODO full BadArgument type??
LuaValue::Nil => {
let format = tracing_subscriber::fmt::format()
LuaValue::String(path) => {
let logfile = std::fs::File::create(path.to_string_lossy()).map_err(|e| LuaError::RuntimeError(e.to_string()))?;
let format = tracing_subscriber::fmt::format()
LuaValue::Function(cb) => {
let (tx, mut rx) = mpsc::unbounded_channel();
let format = tracing_subscriber::fmt::format()
let res = tracing_subscriber::fmt()
if res {
tokio().spawn(async move {
while let Some(msg) = rx.recv().await {
let _ =<()>((msg,));
// if the logger fails logging who logs it?
2024-09-01 03:11:43 +02:00
// define module and exports
fn codemp_native(lua: &Lua) -> LuaResult<LuaTable> {
let exports = lua.create_table()?;
// entrypoint
exports.set("connect", lua.create_function(|_, (host, username, password):(String,String,String)|
a_sync! { => Ok(CodempClient::connect(host, username, password).await?) }
// utils
exports.set("hash", lua.create_function(|_, (txt,):(String,)|
2024-09-04 21:37:35 +02:00
2024-09-01 03:11:43 +02:00
// runtime
exports.set("spawn_runtime_driver", lua.create_function(spawn_runtime_driver)?)?;
exports.set("poll_callback", lua.create_function(|_, ()| {
// TODO pass args too
if let Some((cb, _arg)) = CHANNEL.recv() {
} else {
2024-09-01 03:11:43 +02:00
// logging
exports.set("logger", lua.create_function(logger)?)?;