feat: added lua ffi bindings

broken because no proper build target but whatev for now ig
This commit is contained in:
əlemi 2024-03-10 01:39:08 +01:00
parent 73fc3005c4
commit 074c88feee
3 changed files with 308 additions and 1 deletions

View file

@ -30,8 +30,11 @@ postcard = { version = "1.0.8" }
jni = { version = "0.21.1", features = ["invocation"], optional = true }
jni-sys = { version = "0.3.0", optional = true }
rifgen = { git = "https://github.com/Kofituo/rifgen.git", rev = "d27d9785b2febcf5527f1deb6a846be5d583f7d7", optional = true }
lazy_static = {version = "1.4.0", optional = true }
lazy_static = { version = "1.4.0", optional = true }
log = { version = "0.4.21", optional = true }
mlua = { version = "0.9.6", features = ["module", "luajit", "send"], optional = true }
thiserror = { version = "1.0.57", optional = true }
derive_more = { version = "0.99.17", optional = true }
# java
@ -40,5 +43,8 @@ rifgen = { git = "https://github.com/Kofituo/rifgen.git", rev = "d27d9785b2febcf
default = []
lua = ["mlua", "thiserror", "derive_more", "tokio", "lazy_static"]
java = ["lazy_static", "jni", "jni-sys", "flapigen", "rifgen", "log"]
java-artifact = ["java"]
lazy_static = ["dep:lazy_static"]

src/ffi/lua/lib.rs Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,298 @@
use std::io::Write;
use std::sync::{mpsc, Arc, Mutex};
use codemp::prelude::*;
use codemp::proto::files::BufferNode;
use codemp::woot::crdt::Op;
use mlua::prelude::*;
use tokio::runtime::Runtime;
// TODO use a runtime::Builder::new_current_thread() runtime to not behave like malware
static ref STATE : GlobalState = GlobalState::default();
struct GlobalState {
client: std::sync::RwLock<CodempClient>,
runtime: Runtime,
impl Default for GlobalState {
fn default() -> Self {
let rt = Runtime::new().expect("could not create tokio runtime");
let client = rt.block_on(
).expect("could not connect to codemp servers");
GlobalState { client: std::sync::RwLock::new(client), runtime: rt }
impl GlobalState {
fn client(&self) -> std::sync::RwLockReadGuard<CodempClient> {
fn client_mut(&self) -> std::sync::RwLockWriteGuard<CodempClient> {
fn rt(&self) -> &Runtime {
#[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error, derive_more::From, derive_more::Display)]
struct LuaCodempError(CodempError);
impl From::<LuaCodempError> for LuaError {
fn from(value: LuaCodempError) -> Self {
// TODO put friendlier constructor directly in lib?
fn make_cursor(buffer: String, start_row: i32, start_col: i32, end_row: i32, end_col: i32) -> CodempCursorPosition {
CodempCursorPosition {
buffer: BufferNode::from(buffer), start: CodempRowCol { row: start_row, col: start_col}, end: CodempRowCol { row: end_row, col: end_col },
fn id(_: &Lua, (): ()) -> LuaResult<String> {
/// join a remote workspace and start processing cursor events
fn join_workspace(_: &Lua, (session,): (String,)) -> LuaResult<LuaCursorController> {
tracing::info!("joining workspace {}", session);
let ws = STATE.rt().block_on(async { STATE.client_mut().join_workspace(&session).await })
let cursor = ws.cursor();
fn login(_: &Lua, (username, password, workspace_id):(String, String, String)) -> LuaResult<()> {
Ok(STATE.rt().block_on(STATE.client().login(username, password, Some(workspace_id))).map_err(LuaCodempError::from)?)
fn get_workspace(_: &Lua, (session,): (String,)) -> LuaResult<Option<LuaWorkspace>> {
#[derive(Debug, derive_more::From)]
struct LuaOp(Op);
impl LuaUserData for LuaOp { }
struct LuaWorkspace(Arc<CodempWorkspace>);
impl LuaUserData for LuaWorkspace {
fn add_methods<'lua, M: LuaUserDataMethods<'lua, Self>>(methods: &mut M) {
methods.add_method("create_buffer", |_, this, (name,):(String,)| {
Ok(STATE.rt().block_on(async { this.0.create(&name).await }).map_err(LuaCodempError::from)?)
methods.add_method("attach_buffer", |_, this, (name,):(String,)| {
Ok(LuaBufferController(STATE.rt().block_on(async { this.0.attach(&name).await }).map_err(LuaCodempError::from)?))
// TODO disconnect_buffer
// TODO leave_workspace:w
methods.add_method("get_buffer", |_, this, (name,):(String,)| Ok(this.0.buffer_by_name(&name).map(LuaBufferController)));
fn add_fields<'lua, F: LuaUserDataFields<'lua, Self>>(fields: &mut F) {
fields.add_field_method_get("cursor", |_, this| Ok(LuaCursorController(this.0.cursor())));
fields.add_field_method_get("filetree", |_, this| Ok(this.0.filetree()));
// fields.add_field_method_get("users", |_, this| Ok(this.0.users())); // TODO
#[derive(Debug, derive_more::From)]
struct LuaCursorController(Arc<CodempCursorController>);
impl LuaUserData for LuaCursorController {
fn add_methods<'lua, M: LuaUserDataMethods<'lua, Self>>(methods: &mut M) {
methods.add_meta_method(LuaMetaMethod::ToString, |_, this, ()| Ok(format!("{:?}", this.0)));
methods.add_method("send", |_, this, (usr, sr, sc, er, ec):(String, i32, i32, i32, i32)| {
Ok(this.0.send(make_cursor(usr, sr, sc, er, ec)).map_err(LuaCodempError::from)?)
methods.add_method("try_recv", |_, this, ()| {
match this.0.try_recv() .map_err(LuaCodempError::from)? {
Some(x) => Ok(Some(LuaCursorEvent(x))),
None => Ok(None),
methods.add_method("poll", |_, this, ()| {
#[derive(Debug, derive_more::From)]
struct LuaCursorEvent(CodempCursorEvent);
impl LuaUserData for LuaCursorEvent {
fn add_fields<'lua, F: LuaUserDataFields<'lua, Self>>(fields: &mut F) {
fields.add_field_method_get("user", |_, this| Ok(this.0.user.id.clone()));
fields.add_field_method_get("position", |_, this|
#[derive(Debug, derive_more::From)]
struct LuaCursorPosition(CodempCursorPosition);
impl LuaUserData for LuaCursorPosition {
fn add_fields<'lua, F: LuaUserDataFields<'lua, Self>>(fields: &mut F) {
fields.add_field_method_get("buffer", |_, this| Ok(this.0.buffer.path.clone()));
fields.add_field_method_get("start", |_, this| Ok(LuaRowCol(this.0.start.clone())));
fields.add_field_method_get("finish", |_, this| Ok(LuaRowCol(this.0.end.clone())));
#[derive(Debug, derive_more::From)]
struct LuaBufferController(Arc<CodempBufferController>);
impl LuaUserData for LuaBufferController {
fn add_methods<'lua, M: LuaUserDataMethods<'lua, Self>>(methods: &mut M) {
methods.add_meta_method(LuaMetaMethod::ToString, |_, this, ()| Ok(format!("{:?}", this.0)));
methods.add_method("send", |_, this, (start, end, text): (usize, usize, String)| {
CodempTextChange {
span: start..end,
content: text,
methods.add_method("send_diff", |_, this, (content,):(String,)| {
CodempTextChange::from_diff(&this.0.content(), &content)
methods.add_method("try_recv", |_, this, ()| {
match this.0.try_recv().map_err(LuaCodempError::from)? {
Some(x) => Ok(Some(LuaTextChange(x))),
None => Ok(None),
methods.add_method("poll", |_, this, ()| {
fn add_fields<'lua, F: LuaUserDataFields<'lua, Self>>(fields: &mut F) {
fields.add_field_method_get("content", |_, this| Ok(this.0.content()));
#[derive(Debug, derive_more::From)]
struct LuaTextChange(CodempTextChange);
impl LuaUserData for LuaTextChange {
fn add_fields<'lua, F: LuaUserDataFields<'lua, Self>>(fields: &mut F) {
fields.add_field_method_get("content", |_, this| Ok(this.0.content.clone()));
fields.add_field_method_get("first", |_, this| Ok(this.0.span.start));
fields.add_field_method_get("last", |_, this| Ok(this.0.span.end));
fn add_methods<'lua, M: LuaUserDataMethods<'lua, Self>>(methods: &mut M) {
methods.add_meta_function(LuaMetaMethod::Call, |_, (start, end, txt): (usize, usize, String)| {
Ok(LuaTextChange(CodempTextChange {
span: start..end,
content: txt,
methods.add_meta_method(LuaMetaMethod::ToString, |_, this, ()| Ok(format!("{:?}", this.0)));
methods.add_method("apply", |_, this, (txt,):(String,)| Ok(this.0.apply(&txt)));
#[derive(Debug, derive_more::From)]
struct LuaRowCol(CodempRowCol);
impl LuaUserData for LuaRowCol {
fn add_fields<'lua, F: LuaUserDataFields<'lua, Self>>(fields: &mut F) {
fields.add_field_method_get("row", |_, this| Ok(this.0.row));
fields.add_field_method_get("col", |_, this| Ok(this.0.col));
// setup library logging to file
#[derive(Debug, derive_more::From)]
struct LuaLogger(Arc<Mutex<mpsc::Receiver<String>>>);
impl LuaUserData for LuaLogger {
fn add_methods<'lua, M: LuaUserDataMethods<'lua, Self>>(methods: &mut M) {
methods.add_method("recv", |_, this, ()| {
.expect("logger mutex poisoned")
.expect("logger channel closed")
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
struct LuaLoggerProducer(mpsc::Sender<String>);
impl Write for LuaLoggerProducer {
fn write(&mut self, buf: &[u8]) -> std::io::Result<usize> {
.expect("could not write on logger channel");
fn flush(&mut self) -> std::io::Result<()> { Ok(()) }
fn setup_tracing(_: &Lua, (debug,): (Option<bool>,)) -> LuaResult<LuaLogger> {
let (tx, rx) = mpsc::channel();
let level = if debug.unwrap_or(false) { tracing::Level::DEBUG } else {tracing::Level::INFO };
let format = tracing_subscriber::fmt::format()
// define module and exports
fn libcodemp_nvim(lua: &Lua) -> LuaResult<LuaTable> {
let exports = lua.create_table()?;
// core proto functions
exports.set("login", lua.create_function(login)?)?;
exports.set("join_workspace", lua.create_function(join_workspace)?)?;
// state helpers
exports.set("get_workspace", lua.create_function(get_workspace)?)?;
// debug
exports.set("id", lua.create_function(id)?)?;
exports.set("setup_tracing", lua.create_function(setup_tracing)?)?;

View file

@ -1,2 +1,5 @@
#[cfg(feature = "java")]
pub mod java;
#[cfg(feature = "lua")]
pub mod lua;