mirror of
synced 2025-03-24 20:21:32 +01:00
feat: swap in our WOOT implementation
it's kinda crude and buggy but some things might just work?
This commit is contained in:
7 changed files with 76 additions and 336 deletions
@ -9,8 +9,8 @@ name = "codemp"
# core
tracing = "0.1"
# ot
operational-transform = { version = "0.6", features = ["serde"], optional = true }
# woot
codemp-woot = { path = "../woot", optional = true }
# proto
tonic = { version = "0.9", features = ["tls", "tls-roots"], optional = true }
prost = { version = "0.11.8", optional = true }
@ -31,8 +31,8 @@ tonic-build = "0.9"
default = ["client"]
api = ["ot", "dep:similar", "dep:tokio", "dep:async-trait"]
ot = ["dep:operational-transform"]
api = ["woot", "dep:similar", "dep:tokio", "dep:async-trait"]
woot = ["dep:codemp-woot"]
proto = ["dep:prost", "dep:tonic"]
client = ["proto", "api", "dep:tokio", "dep:tokio-stream", "dep:uuid", "dep:md5", "dep:serde_json"]
global = ["client", "dep:lazy_static"]
@ -1,165 +0,0 @@
//! ### factory
//! a helper trait that any string container can implement, which generates opseqs
//! an OperationFactory trait implementation is provided for `String` and `Arc<str>`, but plugin developers
//! should implement their own operation factory interfacing directly with the editor
//! buffer when possible.
use std::ops::Range;
use operational_transform::{OperationSeq, Operation};
use similar::{TextDiff, ChangeTag};
/// calculate leading no-ops in given opseq
pub const fn leading_noop(seq: &[Operation]) -> u64 { count_noop(seq.first()) }
/// calculate tailing no-ops in given opseq
pub const fn tailing_noop(seq: &[Operation]) -> u64 { count_noop(seq.last()) }
const fn count_noop(op: Option<&Operation>) -> u64 {
match op {
None => 0,
Some(Operation::Retain(n)) => *n,
Some(_) => 0,
/// return the range on which the operation seq is actually applying its changes
pub fn op_effective_range(op: &OperationSeq) -> Range<u64> {
let first = leading_noop(op.ops());
let last = op.base_len() as u64 - tailing_noop(op.ops());
/// a helper trait that any string container can implement, which generates opseqs
/// all operations are to be considered mutating current state, obtainable with
/// [OperationFactory::content]. generating an operation has no effect on internal state
/// ### examples
/// ```rust
/// use codemp::api::OperationFactory;
/// let mut factory = String::new();
/// let operation = factory.ins("asd", 0);
/// factory = operation.apply(&factory)?;
/// assert_eq!(factory, "asd");
/// # Ok::<(), codemp::ot::OTError>(())
/// ```
/// use [OperationFactory::ins] to add new characters at a specific index
/// ```rust
/// # use codemp::api::OperationFactory;
/// # let mut factory = String::from("asd");
/// factory = factory.ins(" dsa", 3).apply(&factory)?;
/// assert_eq!(factory, "asd dsa");
/// # Ok::<(), codemp::ot::OTError>(())
/// ```
/// use [OperationFactory::diff] to arbitrarily change text at any position
/// ```rust
/// # use codemp::api::OperationFactory;
/// # let mut factory = String::from("asd dsa");
/// factory = factory
/// .diff(2, " xxx ", 5)
/// .expect("replaced region is equal to origin")
/// .apply(&factory)?;
/// assert_eq!(factory, "as xxx sa");
/// # Ok::<(), codemp::ot::OTError>(())
/// ```
/// use [OperationFactory::del] to remove characters from given index
/// ```rust
/// # use codemp::api::OperationFactory;
/// # let mut factory = String::from("as xxx sa");
/// factory = factory.del(2, 5).apply(&factory)?;
/// assert_eq!(factory, "assa");
/// # Ok::<(), codemp::ot::OTError>(())
/// ```
/// use [OperationFactory::replace] to completely replace buffer content
/// ```rust
/// # use codemp::api::OperationFactory;
/// # let mut factory = String::from("assa");
/// factory = factory.replace("from scratch")
/// .expect("replace is equal to origin")
/// .apply(&factory)?;
/// assert_eq!(factory, "from scratch");
/// # Ok::<(), codemp::ot::OTError>(())
/// ```
pub trait OperationFactory {
/// the current content of the buffer
fn content(&self) -> String;
/// completely replace the buffer with given text
fn replace(&self, txt: &str) -> Option<OperationSeq> {
self.diff(0, txt, self.content().len())
/// transform buffer in range [start..end] with given text
fn diff(&self, start: usize, txt: &str, end: usize) -> Option<OperationSeq> {
let mut out = OperationSeq::default();
let content = self.content();
let tail_skip = content.len() - end; // TODO len is number of bytes, not chars
let content_slice = &content[start..end];
if content_slice == txt {
// if slice equals given text, no operation should be taken
return None;
out.retain(start as u64);
let diff = TextDiff::from_chars(content_slice, txt);
for change in diff.iter_all_changes() {
match change.tag() {
ChangeTag::Equal => out.retain(1),
ChangeTag::Delete => out.delete(1),
ChangeTag::Insert => out.insert(change.value()),
out.retain(tail_skip as u64);
/// insert given chars at target position
fn ins(&self, txt: &str, pos: u64) -> OperationSeq {
let mut out = OperationSeq::default();
let total = self.content().len() as u64;
out.retain(total - pos);
/// delete n characters forward at given position
fn del(&self, pos: u64, count: u64) -> OperationSeq {
let mut out = OperationSeq::default();
let len = self.content().len() as u64;
out.retain(len - (pos+count));
impl OperationFactory for String {
fn content(&self) -> String {
impl OperationFactory for std::sync::Arc<str> {
fn content(&self) -> String {
@ -7,8 +7,4 @@
/// a generic async provider for bidirectional communication
pub mod controller;
/// a helper trait to generate operation sequences
pub mod factory;
pub use controller::Controller;
pub use factory::OperationFactory;
@ -3,8 +3,9 @@
//! a controller implementation for buffer actions
use operational_transform::OperationSeq;
use tokio::sync::{watch, mpsc, Mutex, oneshot};
use std::sync::Arc;
use tokio::sync::{watch, mpsc};
use tonic::async_trait;
use crate::errors::IgnorableError;
@ -28,67 +29,50 @@ use super::TextChange;
/// Operation Sequences easily
/// upon dropping this handle will stop the associated worker
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct BufferController {
content: watch::Receiver<String>,
operations: mpsc::UnboundedSender<OperationSeq>,
last_op: Mutex<watch::Receiver<()>>,
stream: mpsc::UnboundedSender<oneshot::Sender<Option<TextChange>>>,
stop: mpsc::UnboundedSender<()>,
operations: mpsc::UnboundedSender<TextChange>,
_stop: Arc<StopOnDrop>, // just exist
impl BufferController {
pub(crate) fn new(
content: watch::Receiver<String>,
operations: mpsc::UnboundedSender<OperationSeq>,
stream: mpsc::UnboundedSender<oneshot::Sender<Option<TextChange>>>,
operations: mpsc::UnboundedSender<TextChange>,
stop: mpsc::UnboundedSender<()>,
last_op: Mutex<watch::Receiver<()>>,
) -> Self {
BufferController {
last_op, content, operations, stream, stop,
pub fn content(&self) -> String {
BufferController { content, operations, _stop: Arc::new(StopOnDrop(stop)) }
impl Drop for BufferController {
struct StopOnDrop(mpsc::UnboundedSender<()>);
impl Drop for StopOnDrop {
fn drop(&mut self) {
self.stop.send(()).unwrap_or_warn("could not send stop message to worker");
self.0.send(()).unwrap_or_warn("could not send stop message to worker");
impl Controller<TextChange> for BufferController {
type Input = OperationSeq;
impl Controller<String> for BufferController {
type Input = TextChange;
async fn poll(&self) -> Result<(), Error> {
fn try_recv(&self) -> Result<Option<TextChange>, Error> {
let (tx, rx) = oneshot::channel();
.map_err(|_| Error::Channel { send: false })
fn try_recv(&self) -> Result<Option<String>, Error> {
async fn recv(&self) -> Result<TextChange, Error> {
let (tx, rx) = oneshot::channel();
.map_err(|_| Error::Channel { send: false })?
.expect("empty channel after polling")
async fn recv(&self) -> Result<String, Error> {
/// enqueue an opseq for processing
fn send(&self, op: OperationSeq) -> Result<(), Error> {
fn send(&self, op: TextChange) -> Result<(), Error> {
@ -1,14 +1,13 @@
use std::collections::VecDeque;
use operational_transform::OperationSeq;
use tokio::sync::{watch, mpsc, oneshot, Mutex};
use similar::{TextDiff, ChangeTag};
use tokio::sync::{watch, mpsc};
use tonic::transport::Channel;
use tonic::{async_trait, Streaming};
use woot::crdt::{Op, CRDT, TextEditor};
use woot::woot::Woot;
use crate::proto::{OperationRequest, RawOp};
use crate::proto::buffer_client::BufferClient;
use crate::api::controller::ControllerWorker;
use crate::api::factory::{leading_noop, tailing_noop};
use super::TextChange;
use super::controller::BufferController;
@ -17,48 +16,38 @@ use super::controller::BufferController;
pub(crate) struct BufferControllerWorker {
uid: String,
content: watch::Sender<String>,
operations: mpsc::UnboundedReceiver<OperationSeq>,
stream: mpsc::UnboundedReceiver<oneshot::Sender<Option<TextChange>>>,
stream_requestor: mpsc::UnboundedSender<oneshot::Sender<Option<TextChange>>>,
operations: mpsc::UnboundedReceiver<TextChange>,
receiver: watch::Receiver<String>,
sender: mpsc::UnboundedSender<OperationSeq>,
buffer: String,
sender: mpsc::UnboundedSender<TextChange>,
buffer: Woot,
path: String,
stop: mpsc::UnboundedReceiver<()>,
stop_control: mpsc::UnboundedSender<()>,
new_op_tx: watch::Sender<()>,
new_op_rx: watch::Receiver<()>,
impl BufferControllerWorker {
pub fn new(uid: String, buffer: &str, path: &str) -> Self {
let (txt_tx, txt_rx) = watch::channel(buffer.to_string());
let (op_tx, op_rx) = mpsc::unbounded_channel();
let (s_tx, s_rx) = mpsc::unbounded_channel();
let (end_tx, end_rx) = mpsc::unbounded_channel();
let (notx, norx) = watch::channel(());
BufferControllerWorker {
content: txt_tx,
operations: op_rx,
stream: s_rx,
stream_requestor: s_tx,
receiver: txt_rx,
sender: op_tx,
buffer: buffer.to_string(),
buffer: Woot::new(42069), // TODO initialize with buffer!
path: path.to_string(),
stop: end_rx,
stop_control: end_tx,
new_op_tx: notx,
new_op_rx: norx,
async fn send_op(&self, tx: &mut BufferClient<Channel>, outbound: &OperationSeq) -> crate::Result<()> {
async fn send_op(&self, tx: &mut BufferClient<Channel>, outbound: &Op) -> crate::Result<()> {
let opseq = serde_json::to_string(outbound).expect("could not serialize opseq");
let req = OperationRequest {
path: self.path.clone(),
hash: format!("{:x}", md5::compute(&self.buffer)),
hash: format!("{:x}", md5::compute(self.buffer.view())),
op: Some(RawOp {
opseq, user: self.uid.clone(),
@ -69,7 +58,7 @@ impl BufferControllerWorker {
impl ControllerWorker<TextChange> for BufferControllerWorker {
impl ControllerWorker<String> for BufferControllerWorker {
type Controller = BufferController;
type Tx = BufferClient<Channel>;
type Rx = Streaming<RawOp>;
@ -78,123 +67,62 @@ impl ControllerWorker<TextChange> for BufferControllerWorker {
async fn work(mut self, mut tx: Self::Tx, mut rx: Self::Rx) {
let mut clientside : VecDeque<OperationSeq> = VecDeque::new();
let mut serverside : VecDeque<OperationSeq> = VecDeque::new();
loop {
// block until one of these is ready
tokio::select! {
// received a stop request (or channel got closed)
res = self.stop.recv() => {
tracing::info!("received stop signal");
match res {
None => return tracing::warn!("stop channel closed, stopping worker"),
Some(()) => return tracing::debug!("buffer worker stopping cleanly"),
// received stop signal
_ = self.stop.recv() => break,
// received a new message from server (or an error)
res = rx.message() => {
tracing::info!("received msg from server");
let inbound : OperationSeq = match res {
Err(e) => return tracing::error!("error receiving op from server: {}", e),
Ok(None) => return tracing::warn!("server closed operation stream"),
Ok(Some(msg)) => serde_json::from_str(&msg.opseq)
.expect("could not deserialize server opseq"),
self.buffer = inbound.apply(&self.buffer).expect("could not apply remote opseq???");
while let Some(mut outbound) = clientside.get(0).cloned() {
let mut serverside_tmp = serverside.clone();
for server_op in serverside_tmp.iter_mut() {
tracing::info!("transforming {:?} <-> {:?}", outbound, server_op);
(outbound, *server_op) = outbound.transform(server_op)
.expect("could not transform enqueued out with just received");
match self.send_op(&mut tx, &outbound).await {
Err(e) => { tracing::warn!("could not send op even after transforming: {}", e); break; },
Ok(()) => {
tracing::info!("back in sync");
serverside = serverside_tmp;
self.buffer = outbound.apply(&self.buffer).expect("could not apply op after synching back");
self.content.send(self.buffer.clone()).expect("could not broadcast buffer update");
self.new_op_tx.send(()).expect("could not activate client after new server event");
// received a text change from editor
res = self.operations.recv() => match res {
None => break,
Some(change) => {
let span = &self.buffer.view()[change.span.clone()];
let diff = TextDiff::from_chars(span, &change.content);
// received a new operation from client (or channel got closed)
res = self.operations.recv() => {
tracing::info!("received op from client");
match res {
None => return tracing::warn!("client closed operation stream"),
Some(op) => {
if clientside.is_empty() {
match self.send_op(&mut tx, &op).await {
Ok(()) => {
self.buffer = op.apply(&self.buffer).expect("could not apply op");
self.content.send(self.buffer.clone()).expect("could not update buffer view");
Err(e) => {
tracing::warn!("server rejected op: {}", e);
let mut i = 0;
let mut ops = Vec::new();
for diff in diff.iter_all_changes() {
match diff.tag() {
ChangeTag::Equal => i += 1,
ChangeTag::Delete => ops.push(self.buffer.delete(change.span.start + i).unwrap()),
ChangeTag::Insert => {
for c in diff.value().chars() {
ops.push(self.buffer.insert(change.span.start + i, c).unwrap());
i += 1;
for op in ops {
match self.send_op(&mut tx, &op).await {
Ok(()) => self.buffer.enqueue(op),
Err(e) => tracing::error!("server refused to broadcast {}: {}", op, e),
// client requested a server operation, transform it and send it
res = self.stream.recv() => {
tracing::info!("received op REQUEST from client");
match res {
None => return tracing::error!("client closed requestor stream"),
Some(tx) => tx.send(match serverside.pop_front() {
None => {
tracing::warn!("requested change but none is available");
Some(mut operation) => {
let mut after = self.buffer.clone();
for op in clientside.iter_mut() {
(*op, operation) = match op.transform(&operation) {
Err(e) => return tracing::warn!("could not transform enqueued operation: {}", e),
Ok((x, y)) => (x, y),
after = match op.apply(&after) {
Err(_) => return tracing::error!("could not apply outgoing enqueued opseq to current buffer?"),
Ok(x) => x,
let skip = leading_noop(operation.ops()) as usize;
let tail = tailing_noop(operation.ops()) as usize;
let span = skip..(operation.base_len() - tail);
let content = if after.len() - tail < skip { "".into() } else { after[skip..after.len()-tail].to_string() };
let change = TextChange { span, content, after };
}).expect("client did not wait????"),
// received a stop request (or channel got closed)
res = rx.message() => match res {
Err(_e) => break,
Ok(None) => break,
Ok(Some(change)) => {
let op : Op = serde_json::from_str(&change.opseq).unwrap();
@ -172,8 +172,8 @@ pub mod instance;
pub mod prelude;
/// underlying OperationalTransform library used, re-exported
#[cfg(feature = "ot")]
pub use operational_transform as ot;
#[cfg(feature = "woot")]
pub use woot;
/// protocol types and services auto-generated by grpc
#[cfg(feature = "proto")]
@ -11,10 +11,7 @@ pub use crate::{
pub use crate::ot::OperationSeq as CodempOperationSeq;
#[cfg(feature = "api")]
pub use crate::{
api::Controller as CodempController,
api::OperationFactory as CodempOperationFactory,
pub use crate::api::Controller as CodempController;
#[cfg(feature = "client")]
pub use crate::{
Add table
Reference in a new issue