
158 lines
3 KiB
Protocol Buffer

// Workspace effimero: sta in /tmp o proprio in memoria
// Workspace e` autenticato: come si decide mentre si rifa il server
// Workspace ha id univoco (stringa), usato per connettercisi
// Workspace implementera` access control:
// * accedere al workspace
// * i singoli buffer
// - i metadati maybe????
// Workspace offre le seguenti features:
// * listare i buffer DONE
// * listare gli user connessi DONE
// * creare buffers DONE REPLACE THE ONE ON buffer.proto
// * NO ATTACH: responsabilita` del buffer service
// * contiene metadata dei buffers:
// * path
// * data creazione
// Buffer id NON E` il path DONE
// BufferService NON ha metadata:
// Workspace tiene traccia di utenti attached (nel futuro) DONE
syntax = "proto3";
package workspace;
import "proto/user.proto";
import "proto/buffer.proto";
message Empty {}
message WorkspaceEvent {
oneof event {
CursorEvent cursor = 1;
FileEvent file = 2;
UserEvent user = 3;
message WorkspaceFileTree {
// list of strings may be more efficient but it's a lot more hassle
string payload = 1; // spappolata di json
message WorkspaceUserList {
repeated user.UserIdentity user = 1;
message WorkspaceMessage {
int32 id = 1;
message TreeRequest {} // empty
message UserRequest {}
message CursorResponse{}
message UserListRequest{}
service Workspace {
rpc Create (BufferPayload) returns (BufferCreateResponse);
rpc ListBuffers (BufferListRequest) returns (BufferList);
rpc ListUsers (UserListRequest) returns (UserList);
rpc Join (user.UserIdentity) returns (stream WorkspaceEvent);
rpc Tree (TreeRequest) returns (WorkspaceFileTree);
rpc Users (UserRequest) returns (WorkspaceUserList); // TODO could be handled by cursor service
// send cursor movement to server
rpc Cursor (CursorEvent) returns (CursorResponse);
// a tuple indicating row and column
message RowCol {
int32 row = 1;
int32 col = 2;
// cursor position object
message CursorPosition {
// cursor start position
RowCol start = 1;
// cursor end position
RowCol end = 2;
// cursor event, with user id and cursor position
message CursorEvent {
// user moving the cursor
string user = 1;
// path of current buffer this cursor is into
string buffer = 2;
// new cursor position
repeated CursorPosition position = 3;
enum FileEventType {
message FileEvent {
string buffer = 1;
FileEventType type = 2;
enum UserEventType {
JOIN = 0;
LEAVE = 1;
message UserEvent {
user.UserIdentity user = 1;
UserEventType type = 2;
message BufferPayload {
// buffer path to operate onto
string path = 1;
// user id that is requesting the operation
user.UserIdentity user = 2;
// optional buffer full content for replacing
optional string content = 3;
message BufferCreateResponse {
string status = 1;
message BufferListRequest{
message BufferList{
repeated buffer.BufferView buffers = 1;
message UserList{
repeated user.UserIdentity users = 1;