mirror of
synced 2024-11-22 15:24:48 +01:00
due to instance mutexing it held the lock while awaiting for events, which is undesirable!
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//! # MultiPlayer Code Editing lib
//! ![just a nice pic](https://alemi.dev/img/about-slice-1.png)
//! > the core library of the codemp project, driving all editor plugins
//! ## structure
//! The main entrypoint is the [Instance] object, that maintains a connection and can
//! be used to join workspaces or attach to buffers. It contains the underlying [client::Client] and
//! stores active controllers.
//! Some actions will return structs implementing the [api::Controller] trait. These can be polled
//! for new stream events ([api::Controller::poll]/[api::Controller::recv]), which will be returned in order.
//! Blocking and callback variants are also implemented. The [api::Controller] can also be used to send new
//! events to the server ([api::Controller::send]).
//! Each operation on a buffer is represented as an [woot::crdt::Op]. The underlying buffer is a
//! [WOOT CRDT](https://inria.hal.science/file/index/docid/71240/filename/RR-5580.pdf),
//! but to use this library it's only sufficient to know that all WOOT buffers that have received
//! the same operations converge to the same state, and that operations might not get integrated
//! immediately but instead deferred until compatible.
//! ## features
//! * `woot` : include the underlying CRDT library and re-exports it (default enabled)
//! * `api` : include traits for core interfaces under [api] (default enabled)
//! * `proto` : include GRCP protocol definitions under [proto] (default enabled)
//! * `client`: include the local [client] implementation (default enabled)
//! * `global`: provide a lazy_static global INSTANCE in [instance::global]
//! * `sync` : wraps the [instance::a_sync::Instance] holder into a sync variant: [instance::sync::Instance]
//! ## examples
//! while the [client::Client] itself is the core structure implementing all methods, plugins will mostly
//! interact with [Instance] managers.
//! ### async
//! this library is natively async and thus async usage should be preferred if possible with
//! [instance::a_sync::Instance]
//! ```rust,no_run
//! use codemp::api::{Controller, TextChange};
//! # use codemp::instance::a_sync::Instance;
//! # async fn async_example() -> codemp::Result<()> {
//! let session = Instance::default(); // create global session
//! session.connect("http://alemi.dev:50051").await?; // connect to remote server
//! // join a remote workspace, obtaining a cursor controller
//! let cursor = session.join("some_workspace").await?;
//! cursor.send( // move cursor
//! codemp::proto::CursorPosition {
//! buffer: "test.txt".into(),
//! start: Some(codemp::proto::RowCol { row: 0, col: 0 }),
//! end: Some(codemp::proto::RowCol { row: 0, col: 1 }),
//! }
//! )?;
//! let op = cursor.recv().await?; // listen for event
//! println!("received cursor event: {:?}", op);
//! // attach to a new buffer and execute operations on it
//! session.create("test.txt", None).await?; // create new buffer
//! let buffer = session.attach("test.txt").await?; // attach to it
//! let local_change = TextChange { span: 0..0, content: "hello!".into() };
//! buffer.send(local_change)?; // insert some text
//! let remote_change = buffer.recv().await?;
//! #
//! # Ok(())
//! # }
//! ```
//! ### sync
//! if async is not viable, including the feature `sync` will provide a sync-only [instance::sync::Instance] variant
//! ```rust,no_run
//! # use codemp::instance::sync::Instance;
//! # use std::sync::Arc;
//! # use codemp::api::Controller;
//! #
//! # fn sync_example() -> codemp::Result<()> {
//! let session = Instance::default(); // instantiate sync variant
//! session.connect("http://alemi.dev:50051")?; // connect to server
//! // attach to buffer and blockingly receive events
//! let buffer = session.attach("test.txt")?; // attach to buffer, must already exist
//! while let Ok(op) = buffer.blocking_recv(session.rt()) { // must pass runtime
//! println!("received buffer event: {:?}", op);
//! }
//! #
//! # Ok(())
//! # }
//! ```
//! ### global
//! if instantiating the [Instance] manager is not possible, adding the feature `global` will
//! provide a static lazyly-allocated global reference: [struct@instance::global::INSTANCE].
//! ```rust,no_run
//! # use codemp::instance::sync::Instance;
//! # use std::sync::Arc;
//! use codemp::prelude::*; // prelude includes everything with "Codemp" in front
//! # fn global_example() -> codemp::Result<()> {
//! CODEMP_INSTANCE.connect("http://alemi.dev:50051")?; // connect to server
//! let cursor = CODEMP_INSTANCE.join("some_workspace")?; // join workspace
//! std::thread::spawn(move || {
//! loop {
//! match cursor.try_recv() {
//! Ok(Some(event)) => println!("received cursor event: {:?}", event), // there might be more
//! Ok(None) => std::thread::sleep(std::time::Duration::from_millis(10)), // wait for more
//! Err(e) => break, // channel closed
//! }
//! }
//! });
//! # Ok(())
//! # }
//! ```
//! ## references
//! ![another cool pic coz why not](https://alemi.dev/img/about-slice-2.png)
//! check [codemp-vscode](https://github.com/codewithotherpeopleandchangenamelater/codemp-vscode)
//! or [codemp-nvim](https://github.com/codewithotherpeopleandchangenamelater/codemp-nvim)
//! or [codemp-server](https://github.com/codewithotherpeopleandchangenamelater/codemp-server) for
//! reference implementations.
//! keep track of feature completedness with the
//! [feature comparison matrix](https://github.com/orgs/codewithotherpeopleandchangenamelater/projects/3)
/// public traits exposed to clients
#[cfg(feature = "api")]
pub mod api;
/// cursor related types and controller
#[cfg(feature = "client")]
pub mod cursor;
/// buffer operations, factory, controller and types
#[cfg(feature = "client")]
pub mod buffer;
/// crate error types and helpers
pub mod errors;
/// underlying client session manager
#[cfg(feature = "client")]
pub mod client;
pub mod tools;
/// client wrapper to handle memory persistence
#[cfg(feature = "client")]
pub mod instance;
/// all-in-one imports : `use codemp::prelude::*;`
pub mod prelude;
/// underlying OperationalTransform library used, re-exported
#[cfg(feature = "woot")]
pub use woot;
/// protocol types and services auto-generated by grpc
#[cfg(feature = "proto")]
pub mod proto {
pub use errors::Error;
pub use errors::Result;
#[cfg(all(feature = "client", feature = "sync"))]
pub use instance::sync::Instance;
#[cfg(all(feature = "client", not(feature = "sync")))]
pub use instance::a_sync::Instance;