alemi 1cf17dc151 chore: proto cleanup and simplification
reuse as much as possible, keep rpc messages close with their rpc,
helper struct for uuid with into() and from(). also replaced the simple
things, such as imports and struct fields
2024-02-07 01:09:28 +01:00

36 lines
830 B
Protocol Buffer

syntax = "proto2";
package cursor;
import "common.proto";
import "files.proto";
// handle cursor events and broadcast to all users
service Cursor {
// subscribe to a workspace's cursor events
rpc Attach (stream cursor.CursorPosition) returns (stream cursor.CursorEvent);
// a tuple indicating row and column
message RowCol {
required int32 row = 1;
required int32 col = 2;
// cursor position object
message CursorPosition {
// path of current buffer this cursor is into
required files.BufferNode buffer = 1;
// cursor start position
required RowCol start = 2;
// cursor end position
required RowCol end = 3;
// cursor event, with user id and cursor position
message CursorEvent {
// user moving the cursor
required common.Identity user = 1;
// new cursor position
required CursorPosition position = 2;