I initially [meant to fork Enigma](https://github.com/FabricMC/Enigma), but honestly it was far more than I needed, even when stripped down to its core library.
The purpose of this library is to act as base for [Lillero-processor](https://github.com/zaaarf/lillero-processor/), to work with various mapping formats.
Simply call `MapperProvider.getMapper()` and pass it a `List` of `String`s representing the mapping file's contents, line by line. Call then `populate()` on the resulting `IMapper`, passing the same `List` once again, and you'll have an object that can process stuff back and forth - granted that a mapper capable of parsing the input was found.
These are the formats currently supported by this library:
-`multi` (see below)
### Multimapper
A case where multiple passes of deobfuscation may be needed is also supported, although unrecommended; I would also very much advise against referencing an untrusted multimapper in a remote location, for reasons that will be obvious to you in a second. A multimapper looks like this:
lll multimapper
You obviously don't want a remote location you don't control telling you what to download on your computer.
The passes are applied in the provided order, from the first to the last.