This library provides the core interface, `IInjector`, as well as a small set of utils to make your life easier. All patches should implement `IInjector` and be declared as [services](
*`inject(ClassNode, MethodNode)`: will be invoked providing you the ClassNode and MethodNode you requested. This is where the actual patching will happen.
There's some more optional methods you *don't have to* implement, but really should because they will make your life considerably easier when it's time to debug:
Finally, you should mark your classes as service providers, by creating a text file called `ftbsc.lll.IInjector` in `src/main/resources/META-INF/services` on your project. Inside, put the fully qualified names of your patches (example: `ftbsc.bscv.asm.patches.TestPatch$TickPatch`).
If you use Gradle (you do) don't forget to add this library as a dependency in your `build.gradle`:
You are going to need an appropriate loader to use Lillero patches: **this is just a library and does nothing by itself**. You need to make it work by loading services implementing the `IInjector` interface, and by calling their `inject(ClassNode, MethodNode)` methods with the appropriate parameters.
Finally, know that you can spare yourself some trouble, by using this [annotation processor]( to reduce boilerplate to a minimum.
* You want to be using Notch (fully obfuscated) names whenever you are told to reference a class or method by name, since those are the ones that exist at runtime.
- Use MCP (AKA unobfuscated) names if you are running from ForgeGradle's runClient task.
- If you are using our loader (see below), use Searge (obfuscated but unique) names in every place you are told to use a name - ModLauncher will do the rest.