forked from alemi/upub
no more "impl ..." hell, each trait has associated types so that we know it's a "Self::Link" or a "Self::Actor", but in practice they can both be a "serde_json::Value" and thus we can change its type. also Node::Array is now a Vec<T> rather than Vec<Node<T>> because it makes more sense. Node is Iterable and will yield zero (Empty|Link), one (Object) or many (Array) Ts
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16 lines
424 B
use sea_orm::entity::prelude::*;
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, DeriveEntityModel, Eq)]
#[sea_orm(table_name = "relations")]
pub struct Model {
pub id: i64,
pub follower: String,
pub following: String,
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, EnumIter, DeriveRelation)]
pub enum Relation {}
// TODO how to represent this User-to-User relation in sea orm??
impl ActiveModelBehavior for ActiveModel {}