əlemi alemi

some river

i rarely make sense but still make things

curl -X PUT \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    --data '{"body": "hiii :3 how are you??", "public": false, "author": "curl from your git :p"}' \
curl -s https://api.alemi.dev/mood | jq -r .mood

some things

  • scope-tui

    a simple oscilloscope/vectorscope/spectroscope for your terminal

  • upub (site)

    micro social network, federated

  • codemp (github)

    code multiplexer -- fast, safe, collaborative editor plugin ecosystem

  • aiocraft // treepuncher

    asyncio-driven headless client library for block game // an hackable headless minecraft client

  • bscv

    next generation block game utility client

  • tinker.nvim // peak.nvim

    a neovim config for those who cannot stop tinkering // a warm colorscheme to keep you cozy at night

  • guestbook.rs

    an easy to deploy and customizable guestbook for your site

  • tci

    tiny custom CI runner for your selfhosted just-git repositories